The Incaption

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Kai gently rubbed his temples, his head throbing with intensity. After the dance he had with Alice, Kai didn't see her again, which was kind of disappointing. Odd. Why was he so disappointed? He wasn't in love her or anything so why did he feel so bothered. He shook his head as the car drove past the groove of trees, uphill. Haze seem a little too quiet for his usual chattering. Kai let out a sigh. He was tired. Not physically. Just tired.

James decided to be a thorn in his mind and now he was stuck in his limbo of thought. His father hadn't contacted him in a while, it felt odd not hearing from him, yet at the moment he was glad. The seed of discomfort had been planted his mind. Thoughts of how his future would be like lingered a little to closely to his consciousness. He wasn't getting any younger, and he wasn't ready to face the reality his father might drop on him. The most annoying part of it was that he didn't know what reality that would be.

He had ready been taking care of the duties of his family, anything more than what he has on his plate would be too much.

The car pulled over the garage. Haze turned his head, "Get rest. It'll help the head ache."

"I'm getting tired of dealing with that old man." he sighed as he got off the car.
"Anything up for tomorrow?"

"Take it easy. You'll deal with whatever it is you need to do, tomorrow. Right now just go rest. If I'm being honest, shouldn't you be feeling happy, you finally met the one you've been looking." Haze grabbed the coat in the back seat.

Kai laughed lightly," You make it sound like I was a lovesick teenager looking for his lost love. "

Haze raised his eyebrows," Isn't that the case? "

Kai blinked," No, it's not. "

" Right because it's very normal to search for someone for so long and it definitely not questionable. " Haze mused.

Kai waved his hand," Go home, you're drunk. "

" No I'm not. I don't drink alcohol, remember, Kai, " Haze mused.

Kai sighed and walked into the door. It seemed a little colder than it usually is and the walls seemed a little too high. The dark obsidian floor clacked as he walked toward the stairs. The marble walls echoed as he walk across the hall of the east wing. Should he get a smaller place, Kai thought to himself.
The castle was a little too big for him alone, it gave him too much room to think, and thinking wasn't his favorite thing.

He pushed the door to the bathroom and ran the shower for a minute. He walked over to his bed as the water fell, slowly heating up. He undressed, slowly being weary of the brusies on his body. What bothered him was that he was used to it. Was he so out of shape? He usually didn't take a beating like that. His father would be a little disappointed.
Oddly as stern as he was, he missed the old man.

Oumi Musashi. A name that rains legend, even internationally. Many had mistaken his father for a yakuza, and if you really think about it who wouldn't. He had a presence that was so dominating and commanding that he lived up to his name. A few of his works were rather questionable. Kai merely saw him as his father, that is if their relationship was a father-son relationship. Kai couldn't exactly define it either. He was never afraid or uncomfortable with his father but at the same time there was an unspoken space between them. With him being the only son with 6 sisters you'd think his father would be more closer to him. Then again, Mr. Musashi wasn't the type to have favorites, they were all his offspring.

Kai blinked. Offspring was a rather odd word to use yet it fit perfectly.
Now him being the oldest and only male offspring came with its own pretty peaks, like being the one to continue the name and being the heir of his father's legacy. Absolutely no pressure.

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