chapter 14

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After a while i heard my phone rang,  " OH FUCK...IT'S SAN..YUNHO WAKE UP.." I yelled , I didn't expect him to call , it started to freak me out .

"WHAT- you scared the shit of me "

" SAN IS CALLINGGG.." I showed him the screen , " answer him  " he said . I took a deep breath preparing for the long  scolding I was about to receive .

" Woo just answer him , it's gonna be okey it's just about the fight I think" he demanded,  I thought about it knowing if I won't answer him back I would just make things worse .

" WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU ? " he yelled , I could feel and imagine his expression at that moment,  I'm thankful I wasn't infront of him .

" im- at Yunho's house "I responded,  then I heard him sighted angrily.

" I told you to stay at home did i ? " he asked me with a stern voice which was new than the tone he used to use , it was really dark and I just didn't know I felt shills down my spine.

" I'm...I wa..just bored..I will just stay here for few days since we have an assignment to do.." I lied hopping he would really believe it but it didn't seem to.

" come here now "

" San..wai..." he hunged up , at that moment I knew from his voice that something was odd , I felt like he heard some shit things about me .

I'm worried .

" Woo what's happened " Yunho asked me , " shh..I don't know how to deal with this now "

" wht what did he say "  Yunho said with a worried expression.

" he told me to come  home now "

" just go and do what he told you , I know I already told you sometimes to act up , but in this situation it doesn't seem right " he explained,  I was fully aware about it .

" I know...but you must hear his voice and the tone he used I never hear it before . Eventhough he got mad at me but he never talked like that.  Yunho I think he hear about something but I'm not sure what exactly  , i just feel that if i go i will just regret it and you will not see me for days " I said .

" he just hear about the fight obviously..why what he gonna kill you or something . Are you scared this is not you Wooyoung who I know..hhhhhh " he said teasing me .

" stop I'm not he can't do anything bad to me he really care about me , but when he gets angry no one can resist him or stop him  . I won't deny I'm kinda scared . And I'm not sure about what he really heard .

  you know I will just stay with you till my mom comes back from work , but that won't stop him either..." I said .

" Wooyoung I advise you to go if not don't come to me  crying and whining again , you will just pissed him off just do what he told you it's for you own sake   " Yunho .

" nooooo..yunhoo..just shut it I will not I know what I am doing " i said .

Author pov:

After San called him he was waiting for him impatiently in his room ," I will show you how to lie to me again " .

It was almost 1 hour but he didn't show up , " wht the hell in the world it's wrong with you this time " . He said to himself as he took out his phone and called Wooyoung again but this time he wasn't the one who answered it was his friend Yunho .

" hello Mr San ?..."

" where is Wooyoung "

"Mm..?ah..he is in the bathroom "

" give me your address now "

" WHAT..I m sorry I mean why.."

" do what I told you . hurry ! " he ordered,  Yunho didn't know what he was going to do he didn't want to give it to him but also he was worried about Wooyoung he didn't want him to get involved in such a serious drama .

" ***********dl04" he gave it to him .

When  San received the email he immediately left the house while he was telling Ha-eun that he and Wooyoung would go out to  pass some time together but it was all lies .

Ofc Ha-eun didn't know anything about them , she just thought if they could spend some time together Wooyoung would feel better and got along with San .

After few hours San arrived to where Wooyoung was which was Yunho's home ,
" this " Wooyoung asked after he heard the door bell.

" I m sorry Woo , it's for your own sake "

" what are you talking about..." he couldn't finish when he faced San infront of him .

" Sa..n.." the younger gasped , he turned to Yunho who was giving him a comforting look , his eyes laid in the older's eyes that were already fixed on him .

"How did you know the pla...."  he was cut by San , " come here " San was standing outside and Wooyoung still  inside behind Yunho .

The younger won't lie it was something really wrong with San this time , he couldn't figure out his expression or understand the older guise , they were cold , heartless and soo dark that you can drown in them .

Then San took Wooyoung from his wrist and dragged him outside ,
"" the younger's was yawning since San was harshly  pulling him towards his car , then he threw Wooyoung inside and slammed the door shut .

" San..? What's..wrong..are you mad at me..? Wooyoung asked with a cracked voice .

" shut your nasty mouth.  will you ?"  , he knew from the older tone and expression that something really bad was waiting for him.

Wooyoung did as he was told ,  shut his mouth and was preparing himself not knowing  exactly  what he was about to face .

Wooyoung did as he was told ,  shut his mouth and was preparing himself not knowing  exactly  what he was about to face

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Where  San is taking  him and what willg

( no spoiler )

                                                                                To be continued...

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