Part 16

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A few months later~

Now Khao and First are having dinner together on what I can say is a date.

"Wow you never took me to dinner" said First surprised.

"What's wrong, right? Take you out to eat once in a while." Khao said with a smile.

At first he snickers but he smiles at Khao's act which is a bit cliche but he likes it.

Khao just chuckled and they started eating. Khao held out a spoon full of food towards First as a sign of wanting to feed him. First eat the food.

After eating, First asked to go to the toilet to wash his hands.

Khao just nodded and First went to the toilet.

As soon as First stepped out of the toilet, two people suddenly stopped him and one of them covered First's mouth and nose with a cloth that had been put on sleeping pills. At first he tried to fight but his vision began to blur and the next thing he knew, he had passed out.

Khao was at the dining table shuffling his feet nervously because First was taking so long. He decided to look for First in the toilet.

He went to the toilet and he didn't even catch a glimpse of First in the toilet.

"First?" Khao called his name and checked all the toilets to see if First was inside. Already in the last toilet, his heart hoped that First would be in the last toilet. As soon as he pushed the toilet door, his heart began to panic because he saw that the last toilet was also empty.

He ran out of the bathroom and grabbed the phone from his pocket. He dialed someone's number anxiously. A ringing sound is heard.

Ohm and Nanon who were watching TV and cuddle with each other were surprised by the sound of Ohm's phone ringing.

Ohm picked up his phone and the screen showed Khao's name. He glided to answer the call.

As soon as Ohm picked up the call, Khao's anxious voice was heard on the line.

"Why are you worried Khao?" Ohm asked.

"First.. I think they took First" Khao said in a confused and nervous state.

Ohm was trying to process who Khao was referring to when he remembered, he looked at Nanon who looked confused.

"Now what are we going to do?" Ohm asked, not sure what they should do now. Although they had prepared for this to happen, they did not know that they would take First.

"I need you and Nanon to trace First's location no matter what. I'll be back in a moment." Khao said and hung up.

Ohm looked at Nanon.

"They got First." Ohm said, stern and a little nervous.

"They...?... Oh!" Nanon was a little confused but when he got his clue, he quickly grabbed his laptop and tried to access First's location.

"Ohm, you go prepare others. I will try to find First's location." Nanon said while typing something on his laptop.

Ohm nodded and got up to get others ready.

Soon, the main door opened and a panting Khao entered. Nanon notices Khao's presence and calls out to him.

"Khao!" Nanon called him.

Khao went towards him.

"How? Have you found his location?" Khao asked.

"Trying, it seems they have shut down everything for us to get the First location." Nanon said, still trying to access.

"Aish!" Khao shouted and grabbed his hair in frustration.

Soon Khao's phone rang indicating that someone was calling him. He looked at his phone screen and saw an unknown number.

He picked it up and the voice he heard made him even more angry.

"Hi Khaotung, long time no see huh?" said the caller.

"Stop your bullshit and tell me where he is!" Khao said, growing frustrated.

"Woah calm down lover boy, you seem to love him a lot right? HAHAHAHA I think I'm right on target." Said the caller, trying to provoke Khao.

"I said where he is asshole!" Khao said, frustrated, wanting to know where First is.

"Tch... ouih talk to your boy, he wants to hear you." The caller said, and Khao heard First's voice.

"Khao! Don't come here! It's a trap! Please don't come here! I'll be fine." First said trying to look to look stronger for Khao but he knew he was scared inside but he couldn't show it.

Then there was a loud sound, like a loud slap.

"First! First! Don't you dare put your dirty hands on him bastard!" Khao said.

"You talk a lot boy, get rid of him." Said the caller, while ordering his people.

"If you don't want your lover to be killed, come see me at 11pm. I'll text you the address." Said the caller and he hug up.

Khao tried to calm himself.

A ding sound indicates someone's message.

He opened the message and read the address given.

"Did you get the address?" Nanon asked him.

"Yes" Khao said and showed Nanon the address. Nanon looked for it and it was 1 hour away from their area and it was on the outskirts of town and near a house that looked run down and abandoned.

"Where's Ohm?" Khao asked when he didn't catch glimpses of Ohm all over the place.

"Preparing." Nanon said.

Khao nodded and went to see Ohm.

He found Ohm preparing equipment and weapons.

"Oh Khao, how is it? Did you get First's address?" Ohm said.

"Yes. Well, what I thought was true. That old man took First." Khao said then clenched his fists to hold back the rage he felt now.

Ohm was also furious and in his head he was already planning how to kill the useless old man.

"Have you prepared everything?" asked Khao and Ohm nodded.

"Let's go. Today we will finish everything." Khao said, his eyes determined to end all these conflicts.

Ohm nodded at him.

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