exposed through the lens

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Seungmin loved taking pictures. He found joy in capturing the beauty of the world around him through his lens. His camera was his best friend, and he spent most of his free time taking pictures. However, there was one person he never showed his pictures to: his best friend, Hyunjin.

One afternoon, while they were hanging out in Seungmin's room, Hyunjin noticed a photo album on Seungmin's desk. He had never seen it before and asked, "Hey, what's in that album?"

Seungmin hesitated for a moment before answering, "Oh, it's just some pictures I took."

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow, "Really? You take amazing pictures, why haven't you shown me any before?"

Seungmin looked away, "I don't know. I guess I'm just nervous about showing them to people."

Hyunjin got up from the bed and walked over to the album. He opened it and started flipping through the pages. As he turned each page, he noticed something interesting. Every other picture was of him.

"Hey, why am I in most of these?" Hyunjin asked, looking up at Seungmin.

Seungmin blushed, "I just really like taking pictures of you. You always look so natural in front of the camera."

Hyunjin smiled, "Well, they're amazing. You're really talented, Seungmin."

Seungmin smiled back, "Thanks, I'm glad you like them."

From that day on, Hyunjin always encouraged Seungmin to take more pictures of him. He even started posing for Seungmin whenever they hung out, and Seungmin loved capturing his friend's smile, his laugh, and his silly moments.

As time went on, Seungmin started to realize that his feelings for Hyunjin were deeper than just friendship. He found himself wanting to capture more than just Hyunjin's smile on camera. He wanted to capture his heart.

One day, Seungmin took a picture of Hyunjin as he was lost in thought, looking out at the city skyline. As Seungmin developed the picture in his darkroom, he realized that he was in love with his best friend.

He took a deep breath and confessed his feelings to Hyunjin. At first, Hyunjin was surprised and didn't know what to say. But as Seungmin showed him the picture he had taken and explained how he felt, Hyunjin slowly began to understand.

He looked at the picture and saw himself through Seungmin's eyes. He saw the way Seungmin captured him, the way he saw him, and the way he loved him.

Hyunjin realized that he loved Seungmin too, and they shared their first kiss that night. As they kissed, Seungmin realized that he had captured something more beautiful than any picture he had ever taken before: the love of his life.

As they pulled away from the kiss, Seungmin whispered, "I've been taking pictures of you for so long, but this one is my favorite."

Hyunjin looked at the picture again and smiled, "It's beautiful, just like you."

Seungmin blushed, "You really mean that?"

Hyunjin took Seungmin's hand, "Of course I do. You're amazing, Seungmin. You have a way of capturing beauty in the world that nobody else can."

Seungmin smiled, "And you're the most beautiful thing in my world."

Hyunjin leaned in for another kiss, "I love you, Seungmin."

Seungmin smiled against his lips, "I love you too, Hyunjin."

The picture that Seungmin took that day became their favorite, and they hung it up in their shared apartment as a reminder of their journey.


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