accidental confession

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Hyunjin sat in his room, scrolling through his phone as he waited for his friends to reply. He had just finished a practice session and needed to vent about his feelings, especially towards Seungmin. As he opened his messages, he clicked on the contact labeled "minnie 💞" and began typing furiously to rant to Minho.


minnie 💞

omg minho, you won't believe
how cute seungmin was today

i just wanted to kiss
him right then and there

can you believe it?


As he hit send, he sat back and sighed contentedly, feeling relieved to have shared his thoughts with his best friend. He waited a few moments for a reply, but when he looked at the message thread again, he realized his mistake.

He had sent the message to Seungmin instead of Minho.

Hyunjin's heart dropped as he read the message again, realizing his confession was now in Seungmin's hands. He could feel his face turning red with embarrassment, but before he could do anything, Seungmin's reply came through.


minnie 💞

omg minho, you won't believe
how cute seungmin was today

i just wanted to kiss
him right then and there

can you believe it?

jinnie, did you mean to
send that to me?

or to minho hyung?


Hyunjin's heart raced as he tried to come up with an excuse, but he knew it was useless. He had to be honest with Seungmin.


minnie 💞

jinnie, did you mean to
send that to me?

or to minho hyung?

i'm sorry minnie TT

i didn't mean to send
that to you

i was trying to message


There was a long pause, and Hyunjin's heart felt like it was beating out of his chest. Finally, Seungmin replied.


minnie 💞

i'm sorry minnie TT

i didn't mean to send
that to you

i was trying to message

i see

well, i'm flattered that you
find me cute, jinnie

but i'm not sure how
i feel about kissing you


Hyunjin let out a sigh of relief, realizing that Seungmin wasn't angry or upset. He felt a smile spread across his face, grateful for the understanding and support from his best friend.


minnie 💞

i see

well, i'm flattered that you
find me cute, jinnie

but i'm not sure how
i feel about kissing you

sorry about that

i guess my fingers got
carried away

it's okay, jinnie

i won't hold it against

and who knows, maybe someday
we can talk about kissing
for real hahahahaha


Hyunjin felt a blush creep up his cheeks as he read Seungmin's message. He couldn't help but wonder if Seungmin was hinting at something more, or if it was just playful banter between friends.

As they continued to chat, Hyunjin couldn't shake the feeling that maybe there was something more between them. Maybe his accidental confession had opened the door to a new chapter in their relationship. He couldn't wait to see what the future held for him and Seungmin.


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