perfect shot

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Seungmin adjusted the settings on his camera, trying to get the perfect shot of the sunset over the beach. He framed the shot, and just as he was about to snap the photo, a figure walked into the frame. Seungmin's first instinct was annoyance. He had been waiting for the perfect shot all day, and now it was ruined.

"Excuse me," Seungmin said, turning to the stranger. "You just walked into my shot."

The stranger turned around and looked at Seungmin. Seungmin's breath caught in his throat. The stranger was beautiful, with long, dark hair and piercing brown eyes.

"I'm sorry," the stranger said. "I didn't realize you were taking a picture."

Seungmin was about to brush it off and find another shot, but as he looked through the viewfinder of his camera, he realized that the stranger actually made the shot better. The way the light hit his hair, the way he stood there, gazing out at the ocean - it was perfect.

"It's okay," Seungmin said, lowering his camera. "Actually, I think the shot looks better with you in it."

The stranger looked at Seungmin skeptically. "Really?"

Seungmin nodded, and the stranger smiled. "Okay, then. Take the picture."

Seungmin raised his camera and snapped the photo. He couldn't help but feel a little bit of excitement as he looked at the stranger through the lens. He wondered who he was, what his name was, what he did for a living. He wondered if he would ever see him again.

As Seungmin walked away from the beach that night, he couldn't get the stranger out of his mind. He didn't even know his name, but he felt drawn to him in a way he couldn't explain. He knew it was silly - he had just met the guy - but he couldn't help it. There was something about him that he couldn't shake.


A few days later, Seungmin found himself back at the beach, camera in hand. He wasn't expecting to see the stranger again, but he couldn't help but feel hopeful. As he walked along the shoreline, he saw a figure sitting on the sand, looking out at the waves. It was him - the stranger from the other day.

Seungmin walked up to him, feeling a little bit nervous. "Hey," he said.

The stranger looked up and smiled. "Hey. You're the photographer, right?"

Seungmin nodded. "Yeah. Seungmin."

The stranger introduced himself as Hyunjin, and they started talking. They talked about photography, about the beach, about everything and nothing at all. Seungmin couldn't believe how easy it was to talk to him, how comfortable he felt around him.

As the sun started to set, Seungmin asked Hyunjin if he wanted to grab a drink. Hyunjin hesitated for a moment, then said yes. They walked to a nearby bar and sat outside, drinking beer and talking until late into the night.

As they walked back to their cars, Seungmin realized he didn't want the night to end. "Do you want to come back to my place?" he blurted out, feeling a little bit embarrassed.

Hyunjin looked at him, and Seungmin thought he was going to say no. But then he smiled and said, "Sure."

Seungmin's heart was pounding as they drove to his apartment. He didn't know what was going to happen, but he knew he wanted to find out.


As they sat on Seungmin's couch, sipping on another round of beer, Seungmin felt a nervous energy coursing through him. He didn't know what to do or say, but Hyunjin seemed perfectly content to just sit there, talking and laughing.

They talked about everything - their favorite movies, music, books. Seungmin found himself drawn to Hyunjin's sense of humor, his quick wit, and his easy laugh. He felt like he had known him forever.

As the night wore on, Seungmin found himself inching closer and closer to Hyunjin. He wanted to touch him, to feel his skin against his own. He didn't know if he was reading the signs right, but he couldn't help himself.

Hyunjin must have sensed something in the air because he suddenly turned to Seungmin and said, "Can I kiss you?"

Seungmin's heart skipped a beat. He had been waiting for this moment, but he was still surprised when it came. He nodded, and Hyunjin leaned in, pressing his lips to Seungmin's.

The kiss was slow and tentative at first, but it quickly deepened. Seungmin felt a spark of electricity shoot through him as he ran his fingers through Hyunjin's hair, pulling him closer. They kissed for what felt like hours, exploring each other's mouths and bodies.

When they finally pulled away, Seungmin was breathless. Hyunjin looked at him, his eyes dark with desire. "Can I stay here tonight?" he asked.

Seungmin nodded, and they curled up together on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms. As Seungmin drifted off to sleep, he knew that this was the beginning of something special. He didn't know where it was going to go, but he knew that he wanted to find out.


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