cost of recklessness

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Hyunjin was sitting alone in his room, staring at his phone. He had just received a message from Seungmin, his ex-boyfriend. They had broken up a few days ago, and Hyunjin couldn't help but feel like it was all his fault.

He had been reckless with their relationship, always pushing the boundaries and ignoring the rules that JYP had put in place for their idols. He thought he was invincible, that he and Seungmin were meant to be together no matter what. But now, he knew he was wrong.

As he was lost in his thoughts, there was a knock on the door. Hyunjin groaned, not in the mood to talk to anyone, but he got up anyway and opened the door to find his bandmate Changbin standing there.

"Hey jin, you okay?" Changbin asked, looking concerned.

Hyunjin shook his head. "No, I'm not. Seungmin and I broke up."

Changbin sighed. "I'm sorry, jin. But you knew the risks of dating as an idol. JYP has strict rules for a reason."

Hyunjin nodded, feeling guilty. "I know, but I thought we could handle it. I was wrong."

Changbin put a comforting arm around Hyunjin's shoulder. "Look, you're not the first idol to break the rules. But you have to learn from this and move on. You can't let it ruin your career or your life."

Hyunjin sighed, feeling a little better. "Thanks, Changbin hyung. You're right. I just need to focus on my music and my career."

Changbin smiled. "That's the spirit. And who knows? Maybe in the future, you and Seungmin can give it another shot."

Hyunjin smiled weakly, feeling hopeful for the first time in days. "Yeah, maybe."

As Changbin left, Hyunjin realized that he had been selfish and reckless with his relationship with Seungmin. He had taken their love for granted, and now he was paying the price. But he was determined to learn from his mistake and become a better person, both as an idol and as a partner.

From now on, he would follow the rules and respect the boundaries that JYP had set for him. He would focus on his music and his fans, and if he and Seungmin were meant to be together, it would happen in its own time.

As he closed his eyes, Hyunjin whispered to himself, "I'll make it up to you, Seungmin. I promise."

A few weeks had passed since Hyunjin's breakup with Seungmin, and he was slowly getting back into the routine of things. But every time he saw Seungmin's name on his phone, his heart would skip a beat, and he would feel a pang of sadness.

One day, as he was scrolling through social media, he came across a post from Seungmin. It was a picture of them from when they were still together, with a caption that read, "I miss you."

Hyunjin felt his heart race as he hesitated to respond. Should he ignore it, or should he reach out to Seungmin?

In the end, he decided to message Seungmin back. "I miss you too," he wrote, feeling a sense of relief and anxiety at the same time.

A few moments later, Seungmin replied, "Can we talk?"

Hyunjin hesitated again, but eventually, he agreed. They arranged to meet at a cafe near their company's building, and Hyunjin's heart was pounding the entire time.

When he arrived, Seungmin was already there, sitting at a table in the corner. He looked up when Hyunjin walked in, and their eyes met for the first time since the breakup.

"Hey," Seungmin said, his voice soft.

"Hey," Hyunjin replied, feeling nervous.

They sat in silence for a few moments, both of them unsure of what to say. Finally, Seungmin spoke up.

"I know we broke up because of the rules and everything, but...I still love you, Hyunjin. I can't help it."

Hyunjin felt his heart race. "I love you too, Seungmin. I always will."

Seungmin smiled, and Hyunjin felt a sense of relief wash over him. Maybe they could make it work after all.

But then Seungmin's smile faded, and he looked down at the table. "But we can't be together, Hyunjin. Not right now, at least. It's too risky for both of us, and for our careers."

Hyunjin felt his heart sink. "But...what are we supposed to do then?"

Seungmin looked up at him, his eyes filled with tears. "I don't know, Hyunjin. I really don't. But we can't keep hurting ourselves like this. We have to move on."

Hyunjin felt a tear slip down his cheek. He knew Seungmin was right, but it didn't make it hurt any less.

As they left the cafe, Hyunjin realized that he and Seungmin were truly over. It wasn't just the rules that were keeping them apart, but their own emotions and the pain they had caused each other.

But he also knew that he would always love Seungmin, no matter what. And maybe, just maybe, in the future, they would find a way to be together again.

As he walked away, Hyunjin whispered to himself, "I'll always love you, Seungmin. Always."


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