oceans and engines

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It was a Saturday evening. Seungmin and Hyunjin been lying on Seungmin's bed, fingers entwined, watching the sunset outside. Hyunjin had been leaving for a business trip the next day, and Seungmin had begged him not to go. He had a bad feeling, a premonition of something terrible happening.

But Hyunjin had wiped away Seungmin's tears and promised him that everything would be okay. He had said that Seungmin was the one thing he could never outgrow and that he would always love him, no matter what.

Seungmin had tried to be strong, but as Hyunjin left, he couldn't help but cry. He had no idea that it would be the last time he would ever see his love again.

A few days later, he had received the news that Hyunjin's plane had crashed, killing everyone on board. Seungmin's world had come crashing down around him, and he had never been the same since.


Seungmin stared out the window of the small cafe, lost in thought as he sipped on his coffee. It had been five years since Hyunjin's plane crashed and took him away from Seungmin forever. In that time, Seungmin had tried to move on, but it was as if a part of him had died with Hyunjin. He had loved him so much, and the pain of losing him was still raw, even after all this time.

As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, the song "Oceans and Engines" by Niki came on over the speakers. Seungmin felt a pang in his heart as he listened to the lyrics, remembering the last time he had seen Hyunjin.

How is it now that somehow you're a strangеr?
You were mine just yеsterday
I pray the block in my airway dissipates
And instead deters your airplane's way
But heaven denied
Destiny decried
Something beautiful died
Too soon

As he listened to the song, Seungmin felt tears welling up in his eyes. He missed Hyunjin so much, and the pain was still as fresh as it had been five years ago.

But I'm letting go
I'm givin' up the ghost
But don't get me wrong
I'll always love you, that's why
I wrote you this very last song

But he knew that he had to let go. He had to move on and try to find happiness again, even though it seemed impossible. Seungmin took a deep breath, wiped away his tears, and got up from the table.

He walked out of the cafe and into the warm summer night, feeling the breeze on his face. He knew that it was time to say goodbye, to let go of the ghost of Hyunjin and start a new chapter in his life.

He walked down to the beach and stared out at the ocean, thinking about everything that had happened. He poured his heart out into the water, feeling a sense of release as he let go of his pain and sorrow.

As he turned to leave, Seungmin started up his car engine, feeling a sense of freedom as he drove away. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to move on and find happiness again.

And I'm letting go
I'm givin' up your ghost
It's come to a close
I marked the end with this last song I wrote
I'm letting go
This is the last falsetto
I'll ever sing to you
My great lost love

And as he drove into the night, Seungmin whispered to himself, "Goodbye, my love. I'll always love you, but it's time for me to let you go."


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