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It's another day again.

Another day to waste and do nothing.

Zee Pruk Panich. The most powerful sorcerer to ever exist in the world. All species are scared of him. Vampires, wolves, goblins, centaurs, mermaids, dragons, fairies, name it all. Everyone bows down to the greatest sorcerer of all time.

That is why Zee lives alone, away from their prying eyes. He's tired of them looking at him like he is a God or something. He isn't, he's just way more powerful than all of them and it's not like he wanted it to happen.

Before he was born, there has been a prophecy that the most powerful being will be born. Everyone has tried their best to stop it and get rid of him, but his mother and father are keen on keeping him and here he is right now, living a lifeless life.

The thing is, Zee cannot enjoy the world that he is born into. Not when, he only sees black and white. He can't relate to his brothers who seem to be so fond of the world. Traveling in every place that they see in books and magazines.

He's the most powerful being to exist yet he can't cure himself. For years, he has researched all possible ways for him to be able to see the colors as what his brothers and parents described to him. But years of research has done nothing and Zee decided to just give up and live his life the way he is living it right now.

"ZEEEEE!" Zee sighs, his head is already aching with how loud his youngest brother is. It's still early in the morning.

"James, can you please lower your voice?"

"Sorry my dearest brother but I just want you to know that Wonwoo has finally returned and he is with someone!!!"

"What do you mean with someone?"

"Someone as in a lover, well, that's just my guess because Wonwoo doesn't like skinship but that person is holding hands with our brother and they are both giving each other heart eyes. I am absolutely in disbelief but the eyes don't lie Zee, you know that!"

"Well, then that's good for him. He should stop being like me and live a normal life."

James rolled his eyes at him. Scoffing at what he just said.

"You should live your life, you know, what's the point of being the greatest sorcerer if you will just lock yourself up here like a damsel in distress."

"James, you know how I hate how everyone looks at me plus you also know my condition."

"And? So what? Why do you have to let yourself wallow in pity? Zee, just go out please, mom is getting stressed with you locking yourself up here."

Zee just shakes his head and ignores James, he stands up and walks towards his library. He usually spends his time reading, he already finished half of the books stored in the library. That just shows how much he spends his time at home.

It hasn't been long since Zee has made himself comfortable in his favorite spot, the window seat, to continue reading the book he hadn't finished last night when someone knocked on the door.


"Zee it's me."

"Me who?"

The Sorcerer and the Fairy (the blue light of fate)Where stories live. Discover now