I see the world through you.

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Going back to his mother's womb is the thing that he wants to do the most as of now. Realizing how pathetic he looked and still looks like in front of the colorless prince in his colorless world is so embarrassing.

Having no social interactions really did a lot of things for him. He should've taken his mother and brother's advice so he could have somehow made a much better first impression with the prince.

Zee noticed how the fairy was looking at him with curious eyes. Is he thinking how he is known as the most powerful sorcerer alive but is just an actual loser?

The world is really not on Zee's side, he thinks. The world is nothing but a cruel place, a place where he can't freely go out without people ogling at him and a place where he will hide and never lay his eyes on the beautiful creature in front of him.

'Nothing really goes the way I want it to happen, who even said that I'm the most powerful sorcerer? I am just a loser who stutters in front of a gorgeous fairy, to the Underworld Lord please get me now.'

"Earth to Zee?"

Zee once again was drowned in his dramatic thoughts.

"Oh my God, I am really sorry Prince Chawarin, I don't have the right excuse for this but my brain is just not in its right state right now." He bowed a few times to him, expressing sincere apologies.

Then he heard someone giggling, he saw the prince covering his mouth with his eyes turning into crescents. Needless to say, Zee was stunned again to see how beautiful he looks, he's glowing more and the sound of his laugh is so pleasant to listen to and it can make people smile.

"Uhm, why are you laughing at me? Did I say something funny?" Zee pouted his lips unconsciously, making it seem like he is whining to the other.

Nunew had to stop himself from going on full laughing, Zee is just so funny and cute in his eyes, he thinks that he has that what others call a golden retriever energy, he's so cute like a big puppy and all he wants to do is to pet his head but that's not something you should do to someone who is not a family or someone who is not you're in an intimate relationship with.

"No, it's just that you are cute?"

"I am cute? People have called me names but cute isn't one of them, I think most of them said I'm scary."

"Whyyyy, you are so cute like a puppy!"

Zee tries to detect if the prince is making fun of him but he looks like the kind of person that will definitely say what is on his mind and won't lie to someone, he looks so pure to even say a lie. Or maybe Zee is just biased, who knows?

"I'm guessing that's a compliment?"

"Yes! So, be comfortable with me please? And just call me Nunew, Prince Chawarin is too formal, that's my name and title but I prefer you call me Nunew, okay?"

And how can Zee even deny him when he is pouting and looking at him with those doe eyes?

"Yes, Prin– Nunew, I'm just kidding, don't glare at me, hmmm?"

"Then stop teasing me, hmp!" Nunew put both of his hands on his waist and playfully glared at Zee making Zee laugh at how he looks.

"You're the cute one here, to be honest. But let's go now. I think they're almost finished eating already with how long we've stayed here."

Nunew just giggled at what he said.

The both of them walked side by side and Zee can't help but notice the little height difference that they have and how Nunew somehow looks tiny compared to his body. Nunew has a slim and slender body while he is more on the muscular side.

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