Meeting the Fairy.

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It has been a week since Wonwoo has talked to Zee about the possibility of him being connected to a certain fairy prince. It hasn't left his mind since then, so he decided that he'll hope for the last time. Take it as his last chance, and if it doesn't work then one last heartbreak.

His mom has mentioned that today is the day that their Aunt Apple and his son are visiting them.

Zee has been fidgeting since last night, he stayed awake until midnight to read about fairies. What are the things that he should do or not? He has memories with Aunt Apple but it may be different since she wasn't living in Faerielandia and has only lived there when she had to fulfill her duties as the royal family's heir to the throne.

Due to his late night readings Zee woke up later than usual, luckily they will arrive around noon.


Zee groaned as he heard his youngest brother calling his name. He really can't shut his mouth and has the need to shout in the morning.

James knocked a few times before opening the door to his room.

"What is it?"

"Did you just wake up?!"

"Yeah, so please lower down your voice, you're making my head hurt."

"Well, I'm so sorry because you are usually already prepared for the day at this time."

"I stayed up late reading something, but what is it?"

"Mom wants you down there as soon as possible sooooo wash up now, you stink."

James scrunched his nose at him, Zee threw the pillow and aimed it at him, using his magic to aim it perfectly at his brother's face. And before even James can process what happened, he was thrown out of the room and the door shut in his face. Zee just laughed and snapped his fingers to fix the bed.

Usually, Zee doesn't use his powers in doing chores but his mother will definitely smack him if he took too long to go down.

He already planned in his mind what to wear. Don't get him wrong he is not excited nor anything just wants to be presentable. Well, that's what he is trying to convince himself. He is not looking forward to meeting a certain fairy that is according to his brother and boyfriend, is so ethereal looking and has the nicest personality and everyone in their kingdom is adoring him and has been admiring him.

In short, Wonwoo said the prince would probably be his type, in his teasing voice and Zee just smacked his brother's head saying that how can he know what is his type when he hasn't even been in a relationship ever since he was born in this world.

In Zee's defense, no one has really caught his attention and its not like he is unlikeable, there are people who tried to get to know him but none of them really took his interest and he doesn't go out of their house unless it's really needed so the chance of him meeting someone is sooooooooooo low.

"Mother, I'm here, what do you need me for?" Zee asks as he hugs his mother from behind putting his chin on her shoulders. His mom pats his head gently, before facing him.

"Can you help me with the decorations? I still have to cook some more."

"Hmmm, yeah sure. How do you want me to design?"

"I plucked flowers from my garden, it's on the table, just do it the way you want, you can do it right?" Zee nodded and smiled at his mother. His mother went back to cooking and left him to tend the house to put decorations to welcome their visitors.

Zee thinks first of what he should do, he wants it to not be so extravagant but for it to have a homey feel for the fairies that will visit them.

He started off by putting vines on the frame of the doors, well not putting by himself but by the use of his powers. He then put some flowers on the vines just a few not to over decorate the doors.

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