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Nothing really beats the beauty of nature. The sound of the wind breezing through.

The sorcerer and the fairy are sitting side by side, admiring the view in front of them.

Serendipity Hill really lives up to its name, the gift of finding valuable things not looked for. As what is said, this place is only known to a few people, only knowing it by stumbling to it by chance.

Zee loves going to this place when the sun is still high, grasses and flowers glistening along with the sunlight but he most definitely loves this place at the moment. He turned to his left and saw the fairy glowing along with the butterflies, the sunlight cascades through his face making him glow even more. Is it even possible for someone to look like this?

Nunew feels the eyes on him, it's been on him for quite a while now. He feels his face getting hotter, not from the sun but from the eyes looking at him. He decided to finally look at the person on his right.

The moment their eyes met, is when they felt that everything is now in its right place. No words needed to be said, no actions done, just their gazes meeting with each other.

Both of them are drowning in each other's eyes, lost in their own bubble, as if the world stopped just for the two of them.

A tear escaped from Zee's eye, Nunew wiped it away.

"I keep on crying today."

"It's okay, you can cry in front of me and I will never judge you. You can be whoever you want to be when you're with me."


"You also keep on calling my name."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For showing me the world, I gave up long ago. After years of research, I found nothing so I decided to just give up and continue life like this."

"But did you know that this–" Nunew lifts up his hands, showing his pinky finger that is connected in Zee's.

"--is the reason why I am still here in this world? Mama told me that I came out unalive, they tried to revive me for half an hour, but nothing. I was already announced dead to the kingdom. But this light appeared out of nowhere and I started breathing. You shared your life with me and here we are."

"Also Zee, did you know?"

"No, what is it?"

"That I have been looking for you? Not specifically you, but the one that I am connected with. I have read somewhere about the red strings of fate, that two creatures are destined to be soulmates if their strings are connected with each other."

"Well for us, it's this blue light." Zee continued. And Nunew chuckled at that.

"Also, one more question! Did you feel the mark tingling when our eyes met together the first time?"

"I did, I was just too preoccupied to even react to it. You stunned me so much, you are so gorgeous that my brain stopped malfunctioning, at some point I even thought that I was dead and you're an angel escorting me to the gates of heaven." Nunew bursted out laughing, head thrown back and hands covering his mouth and Zee thinks that he will make sure to make him laugh and smile for the rest of their lives.

"You are so much, I mean I know I'm pretty but characteristics wise? I can't be an angel."

"Why not?"

"Don't you want to find out?" Nunew wiggled his eyebrows at Zee and his eyes were full of mischief, oh how Zee would love to see all of Nunew's side.

Without a word, Zee stood up and picked up Nunew bridal style. Nunew yelped but it was replaced immediately with giggles as Zee started running with him in his arms. Nunew had his arms looped around Zee's neck as the sorcerer spins the both of them fast.

The Sorcerer and the Fairy (the blue light of fate)Where stories live. Discover now