Part 1.3: You Know Nothing Jon Snow

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Brandon "Bran" Stark POV

"Oh Bran baby how are you feeling? Are you feeling dizzy? Do you need water?" My mother, Catelyn Stark, questioning my well-being and putting her hand on my forehead to check for any heat.

"Mother I'm fine, okay. Watch." I jumped off the bed and onto a table and run away my bedroom.

"Brandon Stark! Get back here this instant!" Mother called out, probably irritated at my escape. Hmm, yeah probably.

I just turned my head and wave goodbye to her before I was suddenly stopped.

"Now what is the little lord doing exactly?" I sighed. Damn it.

I look up and see my brother Jon Snow holding me back by my shirt.

I looked down at my feet and looked back up at Jon and lied, "Exercising?" I winced in my head. Too awkward.

Jon snorted, "You know you can never lie to me, Bran? I know everything." I snorted.

"That's a lie. You know nothing, Jon Snow."

He laughed, "Indeed I do not, but I know one thing." He pulled and we started walking back to my room. I bowed my head in defeat and Jon laughed again. Jerk.

We stopped before Mother and I look up to see her arms crossed and a disappointed look on her face.

She turns away from me and to Jon and smiles.

"Thank you Jon for catching this little wolf." Jon nodded. "Now please watch over him while I get some ointments for Bran." Mother asked.

"Yes Mother." Catelyn gives a sad look before walking away to the Maester Luwin's Room.

I get tugged by Jon back to my room.

He picks me up under my armpits.

And throws me on the bed. Hard.

"Asshole." I said in irritation

Jon smirks, "I think that is nice punishment for you isn't it, little lord?"

I just rolled my eyes and groaned before laying on my back on the bed. I close my eyes to block out the world around me.

Jon Snow POV

I frowned when Bran closed his eyes. He always does that when something is troubling.

I put my hand on Bran's left hand and gently speak, "Bran, is there anything you want to talk about?" Bran still didn't speak or move an inch.

I gently caressed his hand, "Bran remember I will always listen to you no matter what even if it sounds outlandish I will always take your side, always." Finally Bran opened his eyes full of confusion.

"I had a dream. I really weird dream." I smiled.

"Well you better sit up. I bet ya it really long dream then." Bran grinned and nodded and sat up with his legs dangling. I hold both his eyes and look at him.

"Now explain this dream of yours Bran."

Bran nodded, "I was flying well not flying, more like floating." I nod and grin

"Must feel surreal then."

"Yeah I was sitting on a horse, a flying horse with wings!" My eyes widen.

"Woah, what kind of horse is it?" I asked in curious if it like Uncle Harry's banner horse.

"Like Uncle Harry's horse Jon! Now I remember why its is so familiar! Do you think Uncle Harry has a horse like that?" I shook my head in denial at that.

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