Part 1.1: Lord Black of Castle Black has Returned

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Beyond The Wall

298 AC

Season 1 Episode 1

Ser Waymar Royce POV:

"Dead corpse making a sign? That's it?", I said in confusion and in utter disbelief.

"Yes, Ser, I saw it with my own two eyes! Please, Ser we must head back to the Wall." Will breathed out quickly while darting his eyes out in every direction thinking something is going to come out and shank us to death.

I turned my eyes to Gared, beckoning him to give his opinion about this matter.

"I believe we should head back to the Wall. The Lord Commander said to "Come back to the Wall if you found any Wilding activity." and we found it. So it would be better if we go back now." Will rapidly nod his head at Gared's response.

I sneered, "Their only dead and I want to see it myself so we can be accurate of our statements to the Lord Commander of our findings. Let's head out to that direction now." I walked over to my horse and untied the rope from the tree until Will responded,

"But, Ser, we must head out now. What if the Wildings come back?!" I almost couldn't hear the whole sentence because of his rapid stuttering.

"Then you can go back to the Wall by yourself. Buuutttt if you do you will be a deserter and executed!" I exclaimed. "Now get back on your horse and lead us to the area you found those dead wildings now."


"Now!!!" Will ran and jumped on his horse and I jumped on my horse and followed Will to the wildings.

After a few minutes, we made it to the clearing of the dead wildings. We jumped off our horse and I led the group over the small bump with Gared behind me and Will scared out of his wits. I just rolled my eyes like seriously their dead. Wimp.

After we got above the bump, I just raised my eyebrow. A clean area with not a single blood in sight or bodies. I just turned my head to Will and his dumbfounded. Bloody fool becoming blind as well typically. I just strolled to middle of clearing while hearing Gared order Willy the Fooly to see where they went. Like seriously how can dead bodies run away. Imbeciles.

After I check the hut, I turned over to Gared who is crouched down, holding something in his hands.

"What is it?" I said to Gared.

"It's..." I see Gared's eyes wide open in fear looking behind me.

I turned around and...


Gared POV

I thought Royce was a goner but some invisible force held back the seemingly ice sword from cutting Royce in half. Royce stumbled away from the creature and then I see the creature cut in half and popped into multiple of pieces of ice.

Then I see multiple of those creatures coming out of woods and walking towards us. I see Royce pull out his sword.

"Wake the hell up, Gared! Get your shit together!" I quickly pull out my sword and ready myself for battle.

"Gared if you die on me damn it, I will rise you from the dead and kill you myself." I smiled.

"I see your poor timing for humor is not overridden by fear, Ser." Royce glared at me.

"Ohh you definitely going to die after this." Then we see one of those creatures lunge at us and ready to swing before it was struck again by a invisible force and popped into multiple pieces.

I was flummoxed as well as Royce. We just looked at each other before another one of those creatures ran at us again before dying the same exact way.

I hear Royce say, "What the-" He couldn't finish that same exact sentence before all the creatures surrounding us exploded into multiple pieces of ice.

I yelled out, "Whose out there?!" I looked around and then at Royce with the same bewildered face as I do before we both heard someone clear the throat. I looked at my right and my eyes widen to see a man I never thought I see again in my lifetime again.

His hair while flat and messy still as stylish as ever, his skin pale from the winter snow of the North, with round glasses with black rims that hide his glowing bright green eyes. A red neck head scarf with a black overcoat and black boots with a long midnight color coat draped from his shoulders and covering his back with black wolf fur on top of shoulders and his top back.

"Who the hell are you?!" I looked over to Royce to his him pointing his sword to the man. The man just smiled in amusement. I quickly pulled his sword out of hand and pulled him to floor so we both can kneel.

"The hell are you doing Gared!? Why are we kneeling to this man?!" I explained to him. "You probably don't know since you haven't seen him when you first got here, Ser." Royce looked at me confused. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out before opening my eyes. "Royce, we are in the presence of Haryon Black, Lord of Castle Black. Our Lord of the Night's Watch." Royce eyes widen at the news and turned his head to Lord Black. He looked amused but nod his head to the confirm what I said was correct.

"Rise, brothers of the Night's Watch. I believe we need to save your third brother, don't we?" Lord Black said. We rose to see him walking over to his horse who looked majestic. A beautiful white horse that looked strong with chilling blue eyes.

Lord Black jumped on his horse and looked over at us, "Well are going to save your friend or what?" Royce and I scrambled over to our horse and followed Lord Black.

"Um, Lord Black.."

"Shhh..I will answer your question after we save your friend." I nodded and looked forward.

After a few minutes, we see Will whose running away from what looks like a little girl.

While I am confused on why his running from the little girl, Royce exclaimed, "Willy the Fooly. Perfect name for that coward and wimp. Imagine running from a little girl." I just laughed at that.

But I see Lord Black pull out his sword and hold it on his left hand.

"Um, Lord?"

Then Lord Black struck the little girl, cleaving her head from her body. Me and Royce looked at him in shock, but in even more shock to see the little girl pop into multiple pieces. We skid to a stop before Will who is sitting on the floor in terror.

"Get on your horse young man." Lord Black ordered Will. 

Will was still on the floor not moving, still in shock.

"Right now young man or I shall behead you for your cowardly acts, now get on your damn HORSE!!!" Black yelled out and Will snapped out of his terror and scrambled to his horse and hopped on it.

"Come on. Lead head back to the Wall." Black ordered and we rode off to the Wall.

"Lord Black?" I questioned.

"You want to know what those things were, right?" I responded. "Yes, Ser."

Lord Black sighed. "Those were White Walkers." My eyes widen and I hear Royce called out.

"But a they were dead a thousand years ago, Ser. Surely you must..."

Lord Black just shook his head and frowned, "No, I was watching them from the shadows from so far north that it wouldn't even be found on the map of Westeros." My eyes widen.

Will questioned, "Then why are they coming back down South, Ser?" I see Lord Black frowned some more. "I have a feeling why, but I only the Lord Commander will know why that why I order you three to keep your mouth shut about the white walkers coming south, understood?" We all nodded and Lord Black nodded back.

I had one last question that I just needed to answer, "Ser, why are you coming back after 5 years?" He looked back at me and then back to the Wall that is getting closer every second and he answered.

"Because Winter is Coming."

Lord of Castle Black, Night's Watch, and Rightful Heir Beyond The WallWhere stories live. Discover now