Part 1.4: Ride to Winterfell

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Ser Alliser Thorne's POV

Silence. We were preparing for the Wildings who look like they are gathering for some mass invasion but not this. The Others and White Walkers. I can't fathom this at all.

I turn my head up and winced from looking down for too long after much thoughts and terrifying images of these undead beings. My eyes focused on Aemon and looked at Harry with no expression or sign of emotions in his face. Oh by the gods, he is serious.

I hear Jeor speak, "Lord Black excuse me for this but I can't believe in this. They haven't shown for thousands of years and now they've come back. Why would they come back anyway?" His voice trembling a bit.

I looked to Harry again and I see him wince a bit. I narrowed my eyes, why did Harry wince like that? Did he cause them to wake up from their slumber? But how, you can't really wake up the dead unless you have magic and I definitely know Harry has no magic in his system.

My thoughts stopped after Harry respond to Jeor's skepticism, "Lord Commander, I understand why you would feel skeptical about the Others rising up after thousands of years, but you must be force to believe in this as facts. Three of your men has seen them, I seen them, and the Free Folk has seen them." Harry focused his eyes on the Lord Commander but was interrupted by First Builder, Othell Yarwyck.

"The wildings are no concern to us and not our responsibility, Lord Black. Let them be killed by the Others. At least we don't lose more of our resources on those uncivilized freaks." I rolled my eyes, Dumbass, I thought.

Jeor hitch his breath his eyes widened, Aemon just shook his head, First Steward Bowen just face palmed. While I look over to Harry and I clearly underestimated his rage.

"First Builder Othell Yarwyck, the plan you just came up with is full of ignorance and Southern arrogance!" Ouch as a Southern, the truth hurts. "Clearly you haven't heard when I say undead" Harry finger quotes. "If the Free Folk die to the Others they will come back from the dead and become part of the Other's army. Which means a much larger army and much more of chance of losing more men and more men for the Others!" Harry slammed his fist on the table. We all jumped a little. When Harry is angry, you know you're not safe. Especially when Harry is giving a deluxe I'll-kill-you-later glare to Othell. I snort, Othell unleashed death onto himself.

"You First Builder are a fool and a imbecile as well. Because those wildings you called freaks are my people as well, so tell me First Builder, am I a Freak?" I looked over to Othell and grin. He looks like he about to piss himself.

"N-No Lord Black." Othell stuttered out.

Harry just stared at them before breaking off and looked at Jeor, "I believe you will want evidence of these undead creatures Lord Commander, correct?" I widen my eyes. No way he didn't-

Jeor looked shock probably thinking what I am imagining what Harry would call 'evidence'.

"Yes Lord Black. It would nice to prove the threat we have to the King." I clench my teeth at that.

Harry nodded and then stood up, "It's currently at Castle Black. Three of your men graciously volunteered to the transport it there where we will currently ride for Winterfell. Benjen Stark will ride with me as well. I believe it been a while since he seen his family. Would that be fine Lord Commander?" Jeor nodded.

"Good. I believe this meeting is over." I stayed put where I sat, but Othell and Bowen left as well as Aemon and Jeor. With only Harry and me in the room.

I stared at Harry who stared right back at me.

Harry grinned, "I see you are getting older Alliser, already see the grey hairs form-" I interrupt, "Why am I not coming with you? It's time, Haryon. The boy is one year away from becoming of age." Haryon sighed.

"The King is coming to Winterfell." I rose my eyebrow. I only serve the true King.

"The King is already in Winterfell Harry." Harry snort and I smirk at that.

"I'm being serious Allie" I glared.

"If you want me to be serious-" Harry smirked. Oh gods no!

"What you mean you want to be Sirius, my godfather is Sirius not you silly Allie." I groaned and Harry cackled.

I glared at him before softening, "For a man of thirty-four and doomsday on the rise, you seem pretty jolly." My accusing tone appearing a clear as the day.

Harry just smiled, "As much as I love the North and the Night's Watch. Ya'll needs some happiness in your lives and as Lord of the Night's Watch I must be the jester to live up in this place." I snort.

"We're criminals, Harry."

"Only because of the King and the circumstances of your births." Wow that was powerful almost teared up from that.

I sighed, "Harry did you-" I was interrupted.

"No I did not wake them. If I knew how, I would use those undead to overthrow the King right now and place the real King back on that Iron Throne where he rightfully belongs." I smiled.

"That would be too easy." Harry sighed

"The Gods, New and Old, wouldn't make that easy for us anyway." I nod.

Harry stood up, "We will have enough time to catch up on what I miss and the stories and reports that you have for me when we ride to Castle Black. I believe you use my home as a training ground for new recruits of the Night's Watch." I smirked and wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

"I believe it's jointly you're home and ours." Harry laughed.

"Hopefully when I have a wife, you won't expect me to share would you?" Harry quipped. I laughed too.

"If you don't order us, free reign." I fired back.

Harry smiled and turned to me and side-hug me, "It good to see you again Alliser." I smiled at that.

"It good to see you again too Haryon."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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