eight ♣

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   "hey," a voice said next to donghyuck. not expecting anyone so soon, donghyuck dropped the book that he was reading out of his hands, and accidentally banged his head on the desk when he leaned down to retrieve it.

   "shit! that was my fault, i'm sorry. are you okay?" donghyuck now recognized the voice to be mark's, and cold, calloused, fingers lifted his chin up gently. "that must have hurt a lot," mark frowned, eyebrows knitting together in concern. 

   his soft and pink lips were just slightly pushed out, and his round eyes stared at donghyuck's forehead, examining the spot that was quickly turning a greenish color. mark shifted their angle just a little bit, and a small gasp fell from donghyuck's lips. the sun cast the most perfect beam of light over mark's face, and for the first time, he noticed how enchanting the pools of honey in mark's eyes were.

   he's so pretty, he thought in awe.

   "donghyuck?" mark's voice brought him back out of his thoughts. "oh, hi," donghyuck said, offering a shy smile. "maybe you bumped your head a little harder than i thought," mark chuckled which caused donghyuck to blush. 

   "how bad did it hurt though?" mark questioned before donghyuck could feel the soft pad of his thumb brushing over the newly formed bruise. he winced and closed his eyes for a brief moment, only to open his eyes and fall in the trance of mark's brown orbs again. "just a bit," the younger let out. "maybe we should get you some ice. what do you think?"

   donghyuck watched as the blonde slowly tore their eyes from his injured area, and they met eyes for a quick second. it felt so slow yet so long at the same time. the second they made eye contact, both of them looked away and mark instantly cleared his throat. "i uh, think i'll be fine," donghyuck managed to say without stuttering.

   the older looked at him, clearly unconvinced, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and hauling donghyuck up with him. "easy there," mark teased with a coy smile when donghyuck stumbled over his own feet, running into the taller's side. 

   "where are we going?" donghyuck asked with burning cheeks, urgently trying to take the focus off of himself. "to get you some ice," mark announced as they passed through the doorway. "i said i was fine. you really don't hav-," the sun-kissed male was interrupted. "it's okay to not be okay."

   the words pierced at donghyuck's heart a bit, causing a small stinging sensation. why was he suddenly blinking back tears?

   "...you do know that right, donghyuck?" mark immensely slowed his pace and donghyuck was somewhat grateful for it. he made sure the tears wouldn't show before bringing his head up and putting on the most convincing smile that he could come up with, "yeah, i know. we can get some ice, but i'm fine, really."

   mark stared at him with an unreadable expression and continued back on their original pace. the rest of the walk was silent and donghyuck was happy to take a moment and sort out his thoughts. he knew that what mark said was right, but he didn't know why it felt like he wasn't included in that.

   the knocking on the door brought him back to reality, and in moments, the door swung open. "hi mark, and hel- ooh, that's a nasty bruise you've got there," a pretty woman who was most likely in her mid thirties answered the door. "right," donghyuck's hand automatically shot up to his head, and he traced the spot. 

   "come on in," the woman gestured, opening the door wider for the two students to step inside. she led donghyuck to a bed and made him sit down as mark remained standing next to him. "what happened here?" she asked, lifting donghyuck's chin gently and holding up his chin. "i made him bump his head," mark explained before donghyuck could even open his mouth. "no no no, it was my fault. i was being an idiot and hit myself on the desk," the younger stepped in.

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