fifteen ♣

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   "i'm not feeling too good, is it alright if i'm dismissed and go to the nurse?" jaemin asked, making sure to look as distressed as possible. "why of course jaemin ah," the teacher said which jaemin knew would happen. he was teacher's pet after all. "thank you," he faked a weak smile and stood up, gathering his books. "just make sure to turn in that essay i asked for at the beginning of our next class," the teacher reminded him.

   he groaned and clutched his head, pretending to trip over his feet. the teacher gasped but it wasn't quite enough. to add a little more and appear the slightest bit more convincing, he dropped a few books and sunk to the floor after them. "jaemin!" ms. shin shrieked. she ran to his side and helped him up, "never mind about that homework, i want you back to full health monday morning. here," she hurried over to her desk and wrote a quick note, "give this to one of you teachers and ask them to pass it around to your other teachers. i don't want you worrying about any assignments when you're like this," she said, shoving the note in jaemin's hand. it read:

   it's important for na jaemin to focus on regaining his health right now. please dismiss or excuse him if he doesn't turn in his assignments. from, professor shin haeun.

   "i'll do my assignments anyways, i would hate to not turn it in when everyone else is, but thank you miss," jaemin said dramatically gathering his things and standing up. "oh no don't worry about doing them at all. if any teacher gives you trouble about it just let me know, alright?" she asked.

   he nodded and stumbled to the door, but just as his fingers brushed the doorknob she spoke again. "are you sure i shouldn't send someone with you? is there anyone who'd like to escort jaemin to the infirmary—," she was interrupted. "no no! that's not necessary i'll be fine," he said frantically, adding a sudden groan and rushing to open the door before she could delay him anymore.

   as he escaped ms. shin's class for the ninth time that semester, he looked at the shocked faces of his classmates and sent them all a wink. tumultuous chatter broke out as the door closed behind him and he heard ms. shin call everyone's attention back to her.

   feeling proud of himself and happy that he had no homework to worry about over the weekend, jaemin walked happily to the library and slipped inside quietly. a few students lingered about, most likely in their free period. he made his way to the computer science section; the most deserted and unused part of the library, and traced his finger along the book case. 

   he came to a brief halt as his finger landed on a big book titled, algorithms to live by: the computer science of human decisions.

   just before he pulled the book out, there was laughter and squealing coming from someone a few aisles down. jaemin sucked in a breath and took a few steps back. he would wait for them to pass. a couple minutes went by, but they showed no signs of leaving. "what are they so noisy for? i thought this was a library," he grumbled quietly. with a slightly annoyed sigh, he walked closer to the noise until there was nothing but a bookshelf separating them. that's when he recognized that there were in fact two voices rather than just one.

   he crouched down a bit and parted a few books out of the way. he covered his mouth before he could let the sound get out and blow his cover as he took in the sight before him with a grimace.

   renjun and yangyang had their hands all over eachother, lips locked only to break apart and let out a happy laugh every few moments.

   after the incident between renjun, jeno, and himself, he was sure he'd made it so that renjun would come to his senses and stop liking boys. whenever he was purposely mean to the older, it was to remind him that he had the power to tell everyone at any time which would evidently make his school life a living hell. as he watched yangyang pepper kisses along his neck, he realised that maybe it had all been for nothing.

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