chapter six

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It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. They were enjoying their little conversations. they happen to share the same thoughts on nature. they have very little in common in terms of hobbies and things they enjoy doing and they laughed at the realization of it. they both enjoy reading but different genres. they both love quiet places and taking walks. they like exercising. they found that interesting.

They were both so engrossed in the conversation that were having that either of them did not take a look at their cell for a minute. Stephanie was trying to get in touch with Carla. she called her home line but did not get her so she left her a voicemail and after about thirty minutes and she still did not get any response, she decided to call her cell. but because sweet Carla was having a great time with her newly found friend, she did not realize her friend was trying to reach her on her cell.

Sam said to drive Carla home in order for her to go prepare for the weeks work and get some rest.

alright. thank you for the coming out here to eat with me. Carla said.

They made their way out of the restaurant saying their goodbyes to Georgina.

They drove away happy and smiling but saying no word to each other. it was the kind of peaceful quiet where everyone is happy and all is fine. he got her to the house and parked in front of the building, got down and got the door for her. he hugged her goodbye telling her to take care of herself and that he will say when he gets home.

Carla made her way in and Sam drove away. she got inside her apartment and checked her answering machine. she had missed calls from Stephanie and she has a voicemail. she dropped her purse to listen. hey Carla, I need to speak with is urgent. let me know when you are back from church so I can come around. It was Stephanie. she sounded devastated like she was going to cry.

She dropped her purse and picked up her cell to call her back when she realized she had called her on her cell several times and had also left a voicemail for her that said Carla, I am hurt and I need to talk to you please call me. this time Carla was certain she had been crying. she dialed her line and told her to come around her apartment that she was in. Stephanie was still crying and she could tell.

She went in to take a shower and get changed into something comfortable. she brewed fresh coffee and made a sandwich for when Stephanie comes. she sits and waits while she began pondering on different possible things that could have happened to make her friend sound the way she did. she decided that she wouldnt think of too many negative things that she is sure would be wrong. she would just wait for her friend to come tell her exactly what happened to her.

Her cell rang and it was Sam. he was calling to let her know he was home. she was pleased that he called. she told him about Stephanie coming around her apartment. That they had something important to discuss and that she would call him much later.

A knock on the door. Carla, it's Stephanie. open up. Carla on impulse went straight to get the door to see her friend who was just sounding like a little girl who thinks are parents are trying to poison her by feeding her carbs some minutes now over the phone. she opens the see Stephanie standing looking helplessly in front of her. she hugs her and takes her in.

She kept on hugging her as she waits to tell her what happened. she whispered what happened? whilst still holding her.

I am not sure I will ever get it. I will ever understand this thing with love. Why? why do people just lie and lie and then leave? What is it with humans and dishonesty? or am I the one loving the wrong way? am I so difficult to be loved? what exactly is wrong? she rails off crying harder and even more loudly now. she continues what is the problem with men? or is it with love in general? I dont understand it. she is holding on to Carla arms tightly like she is about to yank it off. she is looking at her in the eyes. Vincent broke up with carl. He broke up with me. He told me it wasnt working. I thought that was just it. told him that we can address the situation and make it work because it was fine, completely fine from my own view. it was like he was acting on impulse. like he just needed to say the words to me and get moving like there was something he was getting to. I took a deep breath and told him we could fix it and make it work. then, guess what he told me carl. he told me he wasnt happy anymore. she squeezed Carlas arms and she hugged her just letting the tears flow. what kind of person would i be to have heard that he wasnt happy with me and still want to keep him where he isnt happy. that would make me a cruel human. that was it. that was all he needed to say and it all ended. it is been a year and it is all gone now carl. it is all over. Carla I am hurt. I might just lose my mind now she is crying loudly that the neighbors might hear. Carla hugged her tightly, kissing her all over her face not knowing what to say said the first thing that came to her I am sorry Steph. felt like the only thing she could possibly think of at the moment.

She got up to get her a glass cold milk from the refrigerator instead of the coffee she had earlier made. Stephanie took the milk from her and downed the milk up to half of the glass immediately. she was panting softly now and still whimpering. Carla offered her the sandwich she made and she accepted it and began eating immediately. the break up happened Saturday and she had not been able to bring herself to eat anything. she sat up and finished up the sandwich alongside the cold milk. Carla held on to her. they both did not say anything for a while. They just hugged each other and listened to their breathing and conversations around the neighborhood in the air.

Carla finally speaks Stephanie, you are a strong and amazing woman and you dont even see it all the time. you are far beyond beautiful inside and out. I have known you for what for years now and I know how beautiful your heart is. I know how kind and loving you are. you have so much love and care in you to give and you give it without hesitation. you love with the whole of your heart when you choose to love and that is just amazing. you should never for once think that you are not good enough and that is why something like this would happen to you. This has happened because Vincent is not good enough for you. you deserve someone who wants to stay happy with you and would intentionally make that happen.

They held each other still there on the couch while Stephanie cried a little more and Carla just held her and was listening to her saying she was sorry at intervals. they talked lightly for a little while more till Carla started feeling Stephanies body relax against her own, she was falling asleep. She helped her up to her bed and covered her up and left her to get some sleep. she was sure she hadnt been able to get a proper one since it happened and that was why she opted for cold milk as a better option with than coffee. She felt sorry for Stephanie. She is an amazing friend who doesnt deserve what is happening to her. Well, the truth is, nobody does but it happens anyways.

Stephanie is a lover girl when she wants to be. she is not a sucker for love as she would always refer to Carla to be. but she loved completely when she finds someone she believes is worth her time and energy and that happened to be Vincent about a year ago. That is all gone now. it is all over and now her heart is broken. she is hurt. another name is been added to the list of people that would make her preach against love.

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