Author's Note

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Hello beautiful Readers,

Thank you for reading my story. This note was supposed to come before the story. I am sorry for any error you may have encountered in the story.

This is my first experimental short story ever written. I wrote this sometime in July, last year. I started a thing a few months before this time, where I tell on-the-spot open-ended stories.

These were not just stories I told. These were stories I told, with other people having a say about, not just how the story ends (Like many writers do. Leaving you with a question at the end of the story) but also to get a say in some parts of the plots, actions, movements and decisions of the characters.

Now, I know you may be wondering, "Why this?" "What does this mean?" "How does this even work?"

That's alright, I will answer your questions.

I have found it more interesting living and creating many stories and characters in my head. Every part of the story with detailed information left out was purposefully done. I want my readers to be able to tell my stories and be a part of them. This makes it feel like the story is yours too. And that is just beautiful.

While you stick around for my next story, feel free to go for a second read.

I have more great experimental stories to share with you as we go.

Thank you as you stick around.

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