LI ; Bon Appétit

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It's the second day of the week Minho has allowed himself to think of a plan, but he still hasn't come up with anything. At least, for now.

As for Hyunjin, he showed unparalleled confidence in Minho. He hasn't tried to rack his brains since the smaller asked him to empty his mind. He simply lets himself be guided by his desires to show him this overflowing love he feels for the oldest and this desire to show him around the city despite the time being put on hold.

Yesterday was the Empire state building and today Hyunjin decided to bring Minho to an equally special but more down to earth place.

– Here we are at the "Cathedral restaurant"!

The two boys get out of the car to make their way inside the restaurant.

Inside, several arches supporting a glazed second floor, large royal blue curtains, a high roof with impressive architecture and a pink sculpture of birds in the center, suspended, and finally, dim lights everywhere which give the place an unreal but comfortable and warm atmosphere, contrasting strongly with the effect of grandeur of the spacious place.

Minho and Hyunjin walk into the stead, hand in hand.

– Woah... New York has so many beautiful places. It's breathtaking...

The swarthy lets out a breathless chuckle before stopping them in their tracks, turning to the smaller one.

– As you know, no one is nice enough to bring us food, so, my princess... Why don't you go and choose a table for us and wait for me while I cook for you one of the specialties of this restaurant, mh?

Stars form in the smaller's eyes and he offers his respondent an amused smile, nodding.

– At your command, my prince.

Hyunjin raises their linked hands and he brings them to his lips to place a gentle kiss on them before parting.

– I'll be back shortly.

And on these last words, the swarthy leaves Minho alone in the big room, going, for his part, in the kitchens.

The brunette slowly spins around with his head in the air, enthusiastically observing the place. This feeling of well-being is fills him up. He can't help a smile from sticking to his lips as he passes between several tables, touching the tablecloth of each of them with his fingertips.

It is finally on the table above which are these semi-transparent birds hanging from the ceiling that his eyes stop. The empty table is in the middle of the room. There was almost no one there. It was supposed to be closing time soon when time stood still. But Minho doesn't let his mind get confused by this major detail, no. He is far too happy to find himself in such a place and to be pampered like this by the one for whom he could win the moon.

His heart throbs as he imagines the swarthy sitting in front of him, handing him his fork for him to take a bite of the meal he has prepared himself.

«Such a kind soul...» he thinks, resting his cheek on the palm of his hand, now seated at the table that has won his heart and caught his attention.

Time passes and the smells that come from the kitchen make the oldest salivate. He starts getting slightly impatient. Music from the speakers in the corners of the room suddenly plays, reminding the older one of the time when Hyunjin killed the silence at the clothing store. He smiles amusedly.

The smile on his pulpit crescents actually grows bigger as he can finally see Hyunjin showing up with two glasses and wrapped utensils on a silver tray he's holding in one hand.

He advances adroitly towards the table where the smallest is seated and comes to put one of the glasses and the cutlery in front of him.

– Don't worry, princess. Food's coming up in just a second.

The swarthy retraces his steps, leaving Minho to himself again, but only for a short time.

He returns this time with two plates, smiling rather proudly. He places the first plate in front of Minho, then the other where his utensils and his own glass are.

He finally sits on the chair in front and joins his hands together, letting the little one visually appreciate his efforts.

– Black truffle fettuccine. Just the way you'd like it.

– Incredible... You're leaving me speechless.

Hyunjin offers the smaller one a simple wink in response as he removes his own cutlery from the white envelope. A more than proud smile now graces his lips as he says his next words in a befitting English accent.

– Bon appetit, my love.

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now