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I felt the sun shining into the bedroom as I stretched causing me to groan lightly. 

I was about to get out of bed when I heard the door slam open making me look at it. Marco and Romeo seemed to be arguing. 

I looked at them confused as they pushed and shoved each other. 

"Romeo, Marco." I called them but they didn't listen. They were to busy with their own arguing. 

I really wasn't a morning person and there shouting in the morning really annoyed me. 

"GUYS!" I shouted making them both look at me. 

Antonio even stopped to look into the room. 

"Why are you both annoying her already?" He questioned. 

"It's Romeo."

"It's Marco."

They both spoke at the same time making me roll my eyes. 

"Why did you both enter my room? Did you need anything?" I asked as I got out of bed. 

"Want to get McDonalds?" Marco asked with a huge smile. 

I wasn't about to reply when Antonio spoke. "She can't. I'm in charge of her diet, and McDonald's won't help with her throwing up." 

"What will I eat then?" I asked not sure what type of food will not make me throw up. 

"Fresh foods, nothing artificial, and cold things." Antonio replied. 

"No food has zero artificial substance in nowadays. Old man." Marco said earning a smack on the back of his head from Antonio. 

"There is if I cook it." Antonio replied making all our eyes widen. 

"You'd cook for her? You never cook for us?" Romeo scoffed. 

"You're not special like May, now are you Romeo?" Marco said and they both started bickering over it. 

I got out of bed ignoring them and went into the bathroom. I showered, did my usual routine and looked for clothes to wear. 

I doubted that I was going to go somewhere, so I decided to wear something comfortable.

I put on a fluffy oversized panda hoodie, with black joggers. 

I combed my hair, letting it flow naturally as I made my way downstairs

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I combed my hair, letting it flow naturally as I made my way downstairs. 

I entered the kitchen to see the older 3, Giovanni, Vincenzo, and Antonio there. Antonio was cooking and Giovanni and Vincenzo were looking at something on a laptop. 

"Morning." I said getting everyone's attention. I went over and sat on the stool beside Giovanni. 

"How did you sleep?" Vincenzo asked. 

"Good, thank you."

He hummed and looked back at the laptop where they both spoke about work. It was too complicated to pay attention to. 

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