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"What did you find out?" I asked

"Sebastian Lee, he was the American Mafia Prince. He died on the same day as mom, in a car accident." Gio replied.

I had no idea what to do with this information.

"Don't panic May." He said and I nodded.

"If you panic I'll handle it myself."

"I'm not panicking Gio, I'm fine." I replied.

I was lying but he doesn't need to know that.

"Don't lie to me."

Maybe he does know-

He walked towards me pulling me in for a hug. "You're fine. Nothing we learn can harm you, ok? We are merely filling in the gaps. Nothing to worry about." Gio said and I nodded against his chest.

He pulled away as he handed me the file.

I looked at it still unsure of where to start.

I look up at Gio who was now texting someone on his phone.

"I really don't know where to go on from this information Gio. The guys story seems like a dead end." I said making him look at me.

"Well, his father, sister, and now widowed wife are a good place to start at." Gio said.

"His father is nothing interesting, just a normal mafia don, his wife took his money and left when he died, but his sister. His sister left the family a year before Sebastian's death." Gio continued.

"That can't be a coincidence." I added and Gio nodded.

"Something must have happened to make her leave."

"I'm guessing you want me to find out?" I questioned and Gio nodded. "Go tell you little aunt your sob story May, and find out what happened."

I sighed at his words. "When do I meet her?" I asked.

"I need to find out where she is first. Can't seem to find her."

"Gosh Gio she could be dead for all we know." I whined.

"You better hope she isn't or it'll really be a dead end."

Time skip - a few hours

I was sitting in the living room with something playing on the Tv that I wasn't paying attention to.

I missed Marco's company but he still doesn't seem to want to speak to me.

Everyone else is acting normal with me, thankfully.

I was kind of afraid to go approach Marco in case he bursts at me.

Enzo told me he wouldn't and I should go speak to him. So that's exactly what I'm trying to do.

I knocked on his door and I tried opening it but it was locked.

"Marco?" I called but he didn't reply.

That's when I got worried.

I banged on the door loudly and gladly the door opened.

I sighed out in relief when I saw him.

But I wasn't so relieved when I saw the glare he was sending me.

"It was locked for a reason, get the hint." He shut the door in my face, locking it again.

I bit my bottom lip to hold back the tears. I really wanted everything to go back to normal. But him ignoring me won't help.

I heard someone clear their throat from behind me so I turned around to see Nico.

"You good?" He asked probably because of the tear going down my cheek.

I quickly wiped the tear and nodded, trying to give him a fake smile.

I was about to walk past him down the stairs when he grabbed my arm moving me back.

What's with this guy and always stopped me from walking past him?

"You're lying." He stated straight up.

I tried to shove his hand of me but he was too strong.

He wrapped his arm around my waist bringing his body flush against mine.

My eyes widened at his actions.

What is he doing?

His head was in the crook of my neck as he whispered. "Marie is watching."

"I don't give a shit about Marie." I whispered back so only we could hear.

He lifted me up so my legs wrapped around his torso as he brought us to our room.

He shut the door, locking it and then let go of me.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Fucking dad's been pissing me off, so I figured that this will shut him up for a while." Nico replied and I sighed.

"So annoying." I said under my breath but he heard as he replied. "Tell me about it. I've got better things to worry about."

"You do? You don't seem to ever be doing anything." I decided to tease him.

"That's cause you don't look close enough." He replied.

"That's cause I'm in the stay away from dangerous Nico club." I joked.

"Yet you married me."

"Don't act like you don't know why."

"I do know why don't worry. I know very damn we'll why." He said making me confused.

He saw my confusion as he spoke again. "I wouldn't have married you if I didn't see how much you hated my brother."

"Thanks for your pity."

"It's not pity."

"Right." I mumbled.

"It wasn't pity. Dante is a sick freak I wouldn't have been able to live with myself knowing what he'd do to you, and knowing that I had a chance to get you out of it. So it wasn't pity."

I looked at him and felt a guilt feeling in me. He sacrificed his love life and freedom for mine.

"I didn't sacrifice shit so don't feel guilty." He said.

Am I that easy to read?

"You did though. Your freedom, privacy, love life, is all gone because of me." I replied.

"What freedom? What love life? If it wasn't you I would have been made to marry someone else. I don't regret it, and you shouldn't either since there's no point."

"Yeah I know there's no point. We are stuck together forever."

"Then let's make the most of it belissima."

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