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I was laying in bed with my usual black silk pyjamas. The only thing out of the usual is the fact that I had a shirtless man laying in bed next to me. 

The man who's supposed to be my husband. 

The morning light was shining into the bedroom as I turned to see Nico still asleep facing me, with his hand under his head. The way he was laying made his muscles look even bigger. 

I looked away since it felt like he could attack me even in his sleep. 

The door suddenly opened making me look at it and I saw Marie-

The girl who Mrs and Mrs Romano left to basically spy on us. 

"Good morning Marie." I said trying to be polite. 

I know I really shouldn't be nice to her due to the nature of her job but I can't judge her like that, it wouldn't be fair. 

I didn't hear a reply from her making me look at her as she looked me and Nico up and down. 

"Can I help you?" I asked still remaining calm. 

"You guys didn't keep your word." She said making me confused. 

"What-" I was cut off by Nico. "Shut the fuck up woman. Do your spying or whatever shit your here to do quietly." 

Nico was shooting daggers at Marie. 

"And also, who said we didn't fuck? We could have already showered and changed the sheets, no?" Nico said making my eyes widen. 

That's what she meant-


"Get out Marie." Nico said cutting me off again. 

Marie left the room but she seemed completely unbothered. She really has no self-respect. I don't think I have ever met someone so shameless as her. 

Nico got out of bed taking me out of my thoughts. I watched as he entered the bathroom without a word. 

I sighed getting up and going into my own room as I showered and freshened up. 

I put on jogger, a crop top, and a jumper over. Since I was at home I didn't have to dress up too much. 

I made my way downstairs going straight into Gio's office

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I made my way downstairs going straight into Gio's office. I entered without knocking as usual. But was I saw next was not the usual. 

I saw him sitting there with his head in his hands. 

I rushed towards him to see why he was so worried. 

"Gio?" I asked reaching for his wrist but he didn't react. 

"Gio, what happened?" 


"Gio please reply." I said as I shook him. 

"GIO!" I shouted but he still didn't budge. The others instantly entered probably thinking that we are arguing again. 

But instead they saw Gio with his head in his hands not responding to anyone. 

I pushed Gio's chair slightly back, forcing his elbows off the table. I knelt down in front of him holding his hands in mine. 

"Gio, please talk to me." I said gently but he just looked so lost. "Please."

He looked up into my eyes, as I looked into his bloodshot ones. 

He slowly took the paper on the table handing me it. 

My eyes widened as I read what was on there. 

"Tell me it's not true." Gio said making me look up at him with watery eyes. "Please May." 

"Gio-" I was cut off by him. "Please Stellina." He said looking into my eyes. "Tell me it's a lie.

I held his hands in mine rubbing lightly, attempting to calm him down. 

"There must be another reason Gio." I said. 

"What other reason could there possibly be?" Gio asked his voice breaking. 

"This was not the mother I knew." He said making everyone around us confused. 

Marco's eyes were flaring in anger. "Don't believe whatever she told you about mother, she's probably lying!" Marco yelled. 

He needs to know the truth behind why I spoke about mom like that to dad. 

"They're speaking about something else Marco, so stay quiet." Nico said. 

"Yh, of course you'd defend your wife now!"

"Don't forget who suggested for her to become my wife Marco!" Nico said referencing to Marco thinking of the loophole in the contract.

I ignored their argument and turned back to Gio. 

I hated to see Gio this broken. I'd do anything to not see him like this. I got up hugging him as he wrapped his arms around me. 

"Gio, you knew our mother better than all of us. You of all people should not be suspecting her like this. There HAS to be another reason behind these results." I said and he shook his head.

"I can't think of any reason May. I can't."

"What results?" Toni asked walking towards us as he grabbed the paper before I could. 

Toni's whole mood changed after looking at the results. 

"How?" He asked and I looked away. 

"How May!" He said raising his voice slightly. 

"I don't know Toni." I said. 

"What could be the reason behind this!" He shouted at no one in particular. 

"How can this be explained!"  

"How are you Mom's daughter but not Dad's?"


What do you guys think? Why does May not have the same father as her brothers? Any theories?

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