Turns out the reason my mother fell pregnant with me was because she was raped by Sebastian.

It was not her choice.

Worse part is her husband knew about it and didn't bother comforting her or being beside her, instead he killed her.

Ava left when she found out her brother did this. She couldn't help or else they would kill her too. So she left in hopes of starting a new life.

All the brothers know the truth now since Gio and Enzo went absolutely crazy.

Even I did this time.

Just not in the way they do.

I haven't eaten, drunk anything, spoken, for a whole days.

I've locked myself in my room and I think so have the others since no one has disturbed me.

My eyes were swollen and blurry from all the crying.

I heard a knock on my door which I ignored turning in my bed to face the balcony.

I heard the door lock twist and the door open which made me turn.

Who had my room key?


He stood in my doorway with a tray of food in his hand.

"Get up and eat." Is all he said as he placed the food on my bedside table.

"I don't-"

"I don't want to hear it, eat before I feed you." He said cutting me off.

I sighed as I got up to go into the bathroom as i freshened up. I didn't bother changing out of my pjs as I went back into my room.

I didn't expect to see Nico still in my room sitting on the bed.

I went and sat beside him as I eyed the food which I really didn't want to eat.

I sighed and he picked up the food bringing the spoon to my mouth.

I looked at him and back at the spoon.

"If I throw it up I'll make sure to do it on you." I said as I took a bite of the food.

"It's fruit for for sake not a full course meal." He scoffed making me glare at him.

He looked at me for a few seconds seemingly in his own thoughts.

"What?" I asked.

"Your glare isn't scary." Is all he replied with as he brought the spoon back to my mouth which I ate.

I took the spoon from his hand. "I can eat myself I'm not a baby."

"Yes I know you can, you just simply enjoyed having me feed you." He said with a smirk making me scoff.

"Whatever helps you sleep better at night."

We stayed in silence for a while as I ate my fruit quietly, until I decided to speak up.

"Where are the boys?" I asked.

"Marco, Romeo, Enzo are in there rooms, Toni is in the gym, and Gio is out somewhere."

"Out where?"

"I don't know. Just let him have his space for a while." Nico said and I nodded.

"I think I'll go check on the others at least." I said and Nico nodded.

"The maid did put some food outside their rooms for them but none of them had touched it."

"I'll go then. I'll start with Enzo since he's the calmest." I sighed getting up.

I was about to leave when I turned around to look at him as I spoke. "Thank you Nico."

"No problem belissima."

I headed straight for Enzo's door as I knocked on it but got no reply.

"Enzo? Please open the door." I said surprising myself with the gentleness in my voice. "Please?"

The lock opened so I slowly pushed the door open to see Enzo sitting on the corner of his bed.

This was probably the first time I'd seen him or his room messy. Enzo was a neat freak.

I put the tray of food which was outside his room on his table as I went to sit beside him.

He didn't look at me as he was lost in his own thoughts.

I wrapped my arms around him as his head went into the crook of my neck.

I felt his tears fall but knowing Enzo he'd never cry loudly. The oldest 3 brothers were taught not to.

I held onto him tighter trying to calm him. I stayed silent wanting to not disturb what's happening in his mind since he clearly didn't want to speak.

I kept rubbing his back and after a while he looked up at me with his red eyes.

"Are you ok?" He asked me.

He shouldn't be asking about me in this state. They have it harder then me, they knew our mother and I didn't.

"I'm fine Enzo, but please don't cry. I know it's hard I know but mom wouldn't want you to be in this state." I said and he nodded.

"I know. Out of all the theories we didn't expect this to be the answer to the questions we've had for so many years. It just...it just hurts knowing she went through so much and we couldn't do anything." He said with tears in his eyes which I wiped away.

"I understand Enzo, what you're feeling is perfectly normal. Cry as much as you want if it makes you feel better, but please eat something." He nodded at my words as he silently picked up the tray and ate quietly.

Enzo was never someone to tell him emotions get the best of him. Even though he's hurting right now he'll be strong to overcome it for the sake of the ones around him.

We might not have a mother but he's the strongest mother figure here. He pulls himself together for the sake of us, so we don't hurt seeing him in pain.

Him and Gio are extremely similar when it comes to hiding emotions, even if it's because of different reasons.

"How are the others?" He asked.

"I'm not sure I came to you first." I said making him smile lightly.

"Why me first?" He questions making me chuckle lightly.

"Because you're the calmest brother."

"So you're slowly making your way up the crazy guys." He laughed making me smile.

"They are one crazy group of boys so yes." I said making him laugh even more.

I'm glad I somehow made him laugh.

I hate it when they're upset it stresses me out so much that I can't focus on anything but the fact that they're not happy.

This feeling is new to me, I didn't expect to become so attached to them. But I'm glad I did.

Enzo seemed to have calmed down as he spoke. "You should go check on the others. We all need to get our heads straight to think about our next plan."

Next plan? There's more to come.

A lot to come.

"Revenge?" I asked and he nodded.

"He's gonna die."

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