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Regulus Black couldn't deny that he was bored out of his mind

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Regulus Black couldn't deny that he was bored out of his mind. Nothing at Hogwarts seemed to excite him anymore. Though he is only in his 6th year he's sure that he's well-prepared for everything that was going to happen in the future.

It is his own little talent after all.

Sighing he raked his fingers through his hair ignoring the obvious white streak in it. It was times like this the 15-year-old boy was glad that his friends didn't pry. Barty, Rabastan, and Evan may glance here and there, Dorcas may crack a joke, and Pandora might have given him a knowing look everyone once and a while but they never once asked him why he came back from summer vacation one day with different hair and that made him glad. He already had to deal with his parents- to which he claimed he dyed it before taking the crucio in retaliation to his "start of defiance".

The thought made the boy roll his eyes. For them to be known as a noble and ancient house they sure are naive. Following a half-blood man baby blindly through a war that he's causing because he can't be a pure blood, burning the heir out of the family while knowing that only way the ancestral magic can fully reach its peak is with the true heir, believing everything a lying teenager says, the list can truly forever go on.

Regulus found it pathetic on how lowly their family has fallen. And sometimes he sits, praying to Hectate in hopes that she'll rid the world of purebloods like them. One's that abuse their children to push such a delusional agenda.

Though His goddess does love the drama in her toy world so he doesn't think it will happen anytime soon.

Feeling a tap on his shoulder he turned to see an amused and slightly confused Barty. Raising a brow regulus's eyes trailed towards the entrance of the hall where his parents were along with the Potters, Weasleys, Lestranges, Tonks, Amelia Bones, and Alastor Moody, all confusion written on their faces.

"What is the meaning of this?" Dumbledore asked.

"We were told to come here." Euphemia Potter says handing the headmaster a note. Dumbledore frowned in confusion as he read the note "my apologies I didn't send this."

"Then who could have professor," Andromeda said clutching her daughter as her sharp eyes scanned the room.

Meanwhile, Sirius rolled his eyes seeming to snap out of his thoughts . "Great a Family fun"

"Shut it, blood traitor." Bellatrix Lestrange yelled at the boy which ended up being a screaming match between the two cousins. Regulus could feel himself sneering in distaste. Leave it to his dramatic ass family to put on a show. They're embarrassing honestly.

Bellatrix was about to draw her wand alerting many others in the hall before a bright light filled said room.

"What the hell"

Astrophile |P.J| |R.A.B| HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now