Meeting the family

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Kate and William greeted everyone who had come to see there first-born child. All their immediate family came to Clarence House to congratulate them on there child. The Queen was very proud and pleased of the tribute made for her late sister. When Elizabeth first saw Victoria it was almost like her sister was looking back at her. The Queen loved the that her family was getting bigger and she couldn't wait for her Victoria to grow up. "Oh she has beautiful eyes doesn't she," said the Queen.
"She got it from your mother William."
"Oh granny you say the kindest things," Will replied. Looking down at his baby he could see his mother in her.

The baby was getting restless and William's arms were getting tired. He looked around to see if anyone was free. Then he saw his youngest cousin waddle by."James would you like to hold her?" Asked William to his two year old cousin. "Yes please," he replied. "You have to be extremely careful," warned his sister as she put him on the sofa so he could hold her. "I promise I won't drop her," he said seriously looking at William. "Don't worry I trust you," He laughed when he had placed Victoria into his arms she immediately started giggling. "Have I done something wrong?" James said worried that she was crying. "Not at all, she is laughing look." Said his mother Sophie. James looked down at the baby to see her smiling and making little squealing noises. "She has beautiful eyes," said the little boy. Everyone had come over to look at them both. "Now we know who to call for a babysitter," laughed Kate. Edward chuckled "I think they'll get on like a house on fire,"

Hey guys this chapter is a little longer but it's more just a filler chapter. I might do another filler chapter and then owe'll get up to George's birth. I'm planning on James and Victoria becoming best friends. I also don't know if I want there to be some sort of romance for Vic but if I did it would be a random person or something.😃 Okay bye now xx

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