10th Birthday

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Today was the big day Vicky was turning ten. The Queen Asked William if she could host Vicky 's birthday at Windsor. Of course William has to ask Victoria and she agreed and couldn't wait to tell all her friends. Unfortunately, she could only invite a handful of her friends but she still thankful she could invite some.

The morning of her birthday she opened her presents from her parents and siblings. One of her favourite presents she got was a beautiful baby pink diary with a set of pens. She couldn't wait to fill it up with memories. Just after breakfast they drove up to Windsor to meet the family just before Vicky's friends arrive. James gave Vicky a new ukulele as her old one was quite broken. Louise gave her a lovely gold bracelet with the letter 'V' on it.

As all her friends arrived she noticed a brown haired boy walking in with James. Getting a better look at him it was Greg, she had completely forgotten about him and that he was coming. She could feel herself blushing but then remembered when she last saw him and felt embarrassed. She wanted to make a good impression to him and everyone else so she went back inside and greeted everyone. Her birthday had been even better than she expected and her and Greg had actually had a normal conversation. She told him how well he played and he thanked her. She couldn't stop smiling all day and she was still smiling when she went to bed. For Victoria the day couldn't of been better but for William and Harry something had cropped up. It was Meghan.

When Harry and Meghan arrived things started going downhill. First of all Meghan had come in a very low rise short dress which everyone thought was a bit inappropriate for a kids birthday party but they let it slide since she was new. William tried to mention it to Harry but he was having none of it and told William it was just a dress and that he needed to calm down. Then Princess Anne commented on the present they got Victoria. A colouring book with a bar of chocolate. Of course Vicky was happy with it but compared to previous presents from Harry it was a bit sloppy. Anne didn't mean to insult them all she said was "It's almost as if you just picked it up today" people laughed but Harry was annoyed. He told his father but defended Anne saying she was only having a laugh. Resulting in Harry and Meghan leaving early without saying goodbye.

Okay thank God that I actually updated cause I was honestly thinking of giving up but I watched the trolling of the colour and felt motivated. This has been sitting in my drafts for a bit and m to edit it so sorry for any mistakes. I'll try and update more. Love you all xx

 Also Idk if I should base Greg of what he looks like???

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Also Idk if I should base Greg of what he looks like???

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