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Ring! Ring! "Vicky, James is on the phone he wants to speak to you!" Kate shouted up to Victoria. " I'm coming," She hands the phone to her and gives her some privacy. "Hey James are you alright?" She asks concerned as he never normally rings the home phone. "I called you to see if you'd like to come over my sister is out with my mum so it's just my dad, I wanted to talk to you about your birthday,"
"Alright I'll ask my mum if I can go round,"she replied. "Okay see you soon."

15 minutes later she was on the way to the Wessex's house. "Yo yo yo glad you came," James greeted Vicky with there handshake. "Don't ever say yo again," She chuckled.
"My friend has just arrived, you know Greg right?" He asked opening the door to his bedroom. "I don't think so, where is he?"
"I'm right here," A small brown haired boy was sat on James bed. He looked younger than James but a little older than Vic. "Oh hi," She said a bit flustered and when he went to shake her hand she caught herself blushing. "Right well, Greg is in my band at school, he is in the year below me," James was in a band which he had formed at school. Vicky was always jealous he could have more freedom than her. "So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about,"
"Right yes your birthday party, your turning ten so I want it to be big and glamorous sooo I was thinking my band could play at your party," He asked nervous that she would say no. "Yes of course, that would be amazing I could finally get to see you perform, you should play at all my parties," She exclaims "So will you be there as well?" She turns to Greg hoping that he would be. "Well yeah, unless you don't want me to be there,"
"Oh no I do want you there, unless you don't want to come then that's totally fine as well," She says turning bright red going all embarrassed. "I think she would like you there," James laughs looking at how flustered Vic had become in that moment.

Vicky wanted nothing more to leave and never come back but she had to stay for lunch. Which was just awkward, she tried to ignore Greg but she couldn't get her mind of him. She thought it was just because she had made a mockery of herself or did she genuinely like him. Anyways that was no way in hell that he liked her she was only nine anyways. Maybe in the future she thought and then suddenly cringed at that and tried to not think about him for the rest of the day.

Hey guys sorry I haven't responded to your messages I need to update my email. But also thank you so much for reading this genuinely thought no one would notice this. So I've introduced Greg into this just as a little character (for now) just because I didn't know when to bring him in. I'll probably update this story every few days. I'm quite busy because I've got some tests coming up but I'll keep you posted. Byeeee

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