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Today, Michael received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It's been two decades since he made his acting debut in 1999.

Michael made sure Manoucheca was present as he prepared to receive one of the highest honors in the entertainment industry. Michael beamed with pride while his friends Jonathan Majors and Ryan Coogler sang his praises in heartfelt speeches about his incredible career.

While reflecting on their first meeting, Ryan recalls meeting Michael at a Starbucks near Universal Studios before working together on Fruitvale Station, and instantly connecting over books and their families. He went on to marvel at how Micahel nearly worked himself to the bone on the set of the drama, released in 2013, and how they had a great time and reunited for 2015's Creed.

While reflecting on also working on Black Panther, Ryan said their late friend Chadwick Boseman was probably looking over and smiling at them right now.

"It's been a ride of a lifetime...watching him blossom," Ryan concluded as he said he was thankful for Jordan's dreams that have also become his. ''From Newark, New Jersey, bro, to walking in front of driving cars to having your name on this street, bro, God d**n!" Ryan said.

The men went on to exchange a sweet hug.

Jonathan came to the podium next to speak about how similar Jordan is to Adonis and that his friend has pushed through his body giving out while shooting with god-like integrity.

"At the end (of the Hercules myth) he goes 12 rounds and the gods come down and they take him to Mount Olympus, and he transforms from man to deity from, temporary to eternal," he said.

"Today, brother, you go from man to god. You sit amongst Olympus."

"I'm extremely honored to call you my friend... no man on the planet deserves it more... I love you to the moon and back," Jonathan said before walking off the stage.

Jonathan and Michale also went on to exchange a sweet hug.

Michael is the 2,751st person to get a star on the Walk of Fame and one of only 165 Black artists to be awarded one. Manoucheca had received her star nearly four years ago so she was super proud to see Michael get his own star.

In his speech, Michael said he was humbled and grateful to be receiving the honor, and acknowledged what the moment represented for the black community.

Michael praised both Ryan and Jonathan in his own speech, as well as thanking his family including Manoucheca and reflecting on his own professional journey.

"Growing up in Newark, New Jersey, the idea of receiving an honour like this was like a dream. But I've always been a dream chaser and never been afraid of hard work."

Addressing Ryan, he continued: "To say I appreciate you, Ryan, would be an understatement. My gratitude to you for believing in me is never ending."

"I want to say thank you to my brother, Jonathan Majors, for joining me on this crazy journey, supporting me here today, getting me all teary-eyed.

"It was a true honour to watch you and your genius every day from behind the camera, and in a way, you made it harder for me to hop in front of the camera and sock you in the face every once in a while."

He added: "When you're constantly on a journey, you very rarely stop and smell the roses and take in the moments.

"I'm always moving on to the next thing with this fleeting feeling of time slipping away from me.

"For the first time in a really long time, I'm taking this moment in. Thank you."

Afterward, Manoucheca threw a dinner party for Michael. Michael's family and friends sat at a long table decorated with white roses and blue flowers that were set with blue-and-white plates and gold flatware.

"We have an announcement to make," Michael tells everyone, causing Manoucheca to look at him in disbelief.

Is he really going to tell everyone about her pregnancy now?

Michael looked at Manoucheca and told her to stand up. Manoucheca stood up and Michael wrapped his arm around her waist.

Oh shit, he's really about to everyone about the baby.

"Today has been such an amazing day and it's not every day I can have all of my loved ones in the same room so I thought now is the best time to share our exciting news. I think it's perfect timing to say... We're having a baby!" Michael declares to the table.

The happy news sends the family into cheers of delight and excitement. Manoucheca smiles at Michael, who kisses her cheek. Everyone began congratulating Michael and Manoucheca with hugs, kisses, and lots of happy tears.

"We don't want anyone outside of our inner circle to know until Manoucheca starts showing," Michael says.

Everyone swears to keep Manoucheca's pregnancy a secret. Michael's mom walked over and busted into tears and hugged her son telling him she was so happy for him.

"How far along are you?" Donna asked Manoucheca.

"Ten weeks," Manoucheca answered, revealing the timeline of her pregnancy.

"How do you feel?" Donna asked her.

"I feel great. It feels so good to tell everyone and everyone's so excited. I'm happy that I get to talk about it now with everyone," Manoucheca replied.

"Thank you for bringing this baby into this world, thank you for making my son happy. I always knew you were the one, you two just needed to grow up in order to be able to make it back to each other," Donna told Manoucheca.

Donna can't stop crying and hugging Manoucheca.

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