I love you too

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*JJ's POV*
We just laid in bed talking. Emily said "Jennifer Jareau I have something to tell you and you might not feel the same way." Anything Emily you can tell me anything. I knew this was going to be it. She was going to tell me she liked me. I've been noticing her behavior, I know we aren't supposed to profile each other but I still did, and she never called me by my whole name unless it was drop dead serious. "Okay." It's now or never Emily said in her head. "Jennifer Jareau, I love you, and no not in the 'I love you because you're my best friend' I love you like that too but I want me and you to be more than that. I know you love Will because your marr--" Emily was saying that until I said "I love you too, Emily Prentiss." I kissed her on her lips and our lips were locked real tight. We pulled away and this might've been the best day of my life.

*Emily's POV*
We were laying on the bed and I knew this was the right moment to confess my feelings. "Jennifer Jareau, I have something to tell you and you might not feel the same way." JJ then looked at me funny like she was profiling me, I almost hesitated to tell her but I can't hide me feelings much longer. "Jennifer Jareau, I love you , and no not in the 'I love you because you're my best friend' I love you like that too but I want me and you to be more than that. I know you love Will and your marr--" my voice was cut off. "I love you too, Emily Prentiss." We kissed, our lips were locked tight and I've probably never felt this happy. I mean I'm always happy, especially when I'm with the team, but this was a different kind of happiness. We pulled away from our kiss slowly. "Did I just kiss the one and only Emily Premtiss?" JJ asked. "You sure did." I said with a smile on my face. We looked at the clock, realizing that it was 12:26 at midnight so we went to sleep and we fell asleep with our arms wrapped around each other.

||3:16 am||

*JJ's POV*
RING RING RING. My phone rang. As I went to go see who it was Emily woke up also. I checked to see who was calling it was Will... I answered it, putting it on speaker because I had just woken up and it needed to be loud because my brain wasn't fully functioning, all I heard was Will screaming through the phone. Me and Emily glanced at each other while Will was screaming. "WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO COME HOME YESTERDAY! WHEN YOU COME HOME MAYBE I WILL BEAT YOU WITH JUST MORE WITH MY FISTS" I haven't been this scared in my entire life. The only time I've ever felt this scared is when one of the team members was in danger.

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