Who is She?

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The Next Day
Morgan's POV
I notice Emily is a little off at work today. Me and Emily have to go check out another victims house today. We are in the car so I figured it would be the perfect time to ask, "Hey Princess, are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm fine." I can tell she's lying. "Well, if you ever need to tell anyone something, you have the team, especially JJ." I said to her. "I miss JJ when I'm at work. I only see her when we have our lunch break, because either I'm out looking at the crime scene, too busy fixing up a profile, and sometimes she's busy with the media." I could see worry in her eyes. "Just don't forget that we are here for you." I say to her. We arrive at the crime scene trying to find anything we missed from yesterday.

Emily's POV
I get a call from Hotch, and I answer it and put it on speaker. "You guys need to retrieve Byron Delaney. He had a connection to Ron and Kerry Fagan. Garcia is sending you both the address right now." Me and Morgan hop in the car and drive. We arrive at the scene and we notice a truck. "Morgan look, there is a truck." He just shrugs it off. "Looks like there is no one in it." Me and Morgan get out of the truck, I see a man come out from the side of the house, with a white mask and a big gun ready to shoot Morgan. Morgan is unaware of the situation. Before I know it, the man shoots. "MORGAN GET DOWN." I yell tackling Morgan. The bullet hits me in the shoulder, and I fall and hit my head, knocking me unconscious. I only hear 7 words, "I love you, Princess. Please be strong." Then everything goes black

Morgan's POV
"MORGAN GET DOWN." Is all I can process in my head. It all happened so quickly. Emily pushed me down to the ground to protect me. She shouldn't have done that. She should have let me get hit. She gets hit in the shoulder and it falls to the ground, unconscious. I put her in my arms, and say something to her. "I love you, Princess. Please, be strong" is all I could get out before I called an ambulance. Shortly after I called the ambulance, I called JJ.

I get a call from Morgan. "We showed up at the house, and the next thing I know is that she pushed me out of the way. She is wounded JJ. She let the bullet hit herself instead of me. She protected me." I wasn't sure who she is, but I could tell Morgan is worried. "Woah, slow down. Who is she?" I asked. Then it all hit me like a ton of bricks. She is Emily. Emily and Morgan, went to go retrieve Byron Delaney. "Oh my gosh! Morgan, what the fuck happened! No, never mind. I will tell the team to meet you guys at the hospital." I ran out of my office and went to Garcia's Lair. "GARCIA, LET'S GO. NOW!" Garcia is confused by why JJ stormed into her Lair, yelling. "Why? What's wrong?" She asked me. "Emily is hurt, she got shot." I said back to her. "Oh shit, I will tell the team, you go to the hospital on your own." She said. "Thank you, Garcia." I drove to the hospital. I go ask the front desk what room Emily is in. "Emily Prentiss is in the emergency room right now, getting surgery done. You can wait in the waiting room. I go to the waiting room and see Morgan sitting there, crying. "It should have been me. It would have been me, if she didn't push me out of the way. She didn't have to do that, I should have been paying attention." I could tell that Morgan is really worried and sad. "Hey, can you blame her? She has protected everyone on our team at least once. What makes you think she would let anything happen to her best friend? She would do anything for any of us, trust me."

Rossi's POV
"HOTCH AND ROSSI, LET'S GO NOW!" Garcia screamed. "Where are we going, and why are you screaming?" I asked. "Emily is hurt, let's go." It felt like I couldn't breathe. Emily is like my daughter. She is my daughter. "What happened?" Hotch asked with worry in his eyes. "I don't know all the details. I told JJ to go to the hospital by herself, and I will inform our team." Garcia said back. "I need to go and get Reid, we will all ride in one car. Hotch, go get the keys." Garcia left but came back inside shortly after. "Please. Thank you." Then, Garcia went out to go an get Reid.

Morgan's POV
The team arrived and I explained what happened. "Me and Emily went to go and retrieve Byron Delaney. Me and Emily noticed a van, but there was no on in there, so we just started to walk towards the house. I'm not sure where the man came from, but Emily saw him with a gun and she pushed me out of the way, and she got hit. I called an ambulance and then I called you guys. I looked up and I didn't even realize that the van was gone until after I called you guys."

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