Spoonful of Salad Helps the Betrayal Go Down: Emmy

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Emmy foresaw Guts' death hours before it happened. Guts, according to her vision, was on their way to a death trap dinner with Owen. Which is why she immediately gathered Daisy, Phoebe, and Apo for a mission, getting advanced invisibility potions and some Myst spreaders (Myst is a substance that can hide magical essence, in which case the presence of a ghost elf) to go.

"Bye, guys!" she shouted to Mohwee, Jay, Squidney, and Oeca. "Don't burn the ship down!"

She heard Jay groan at her humor, and she laughed to herself.

She went invisible and the others drank potions. They opened the portal.

Everyone was surprised where it led. It looked like a really tall basement. It had kitchen counters lining the sides with cabinets above and below them. Emmy and the others had come out on top of one of the cabinets, so they sat there hoping no one saw or questioned the spoon Apo somehow managed to kick off the top of the cabinet. In the middle was a table, with two cushioned seats.

And sitting on one of those seats was none other than Owen Agarci himself. His eyes sparkled an un-human glimmer of orange as he listened to Guts (sitting on the other seat) talk about their past.

They listened how Guts had gone through many unaccepting villages and homes throughout their life. "Honestly, you're one of the only humans that have treated me well." Guts said.

So much for that, Emmy thought.

They continued to listen in on the conversation. Owen brought up the main course, stuffed pumpkin. Guts was eager to eat it until Owen mentioned it included cooked netherwart. Just like the celebration.

On the day of the celebration for Acho and Kyle, Guts had served a stuffed pumpkin with nether wart in it, which ultimately poisoned Magic. Guts had said that netherwart was a demon delicacy.

"As a second thought, the pork you gave me made me really full, I think I might save it for another day," Guts said nervously.

Owen continued to press Guts on why they wouldn't eat the pumpkin. Guts continued to brush it off as they were full.

"I've been thinking about that day a lot," Owen got up and walked toward one of the cabinets on the far side of the room. "And, I don't know, I just feel like, you would have checked the nether wart." Owen turned to face Guts. "You know, that it was safe for humans. And the more I thought about it, the more it didn't make sense, and I'm starting to think maybe you knew."

"Owen, you know me better than that. You know I wouldn't do that to somebody."

"I think I know you better than you know yourself, Guts. I think you can't eat the nether wart. Prove me wrong. Take a bite. And I'll apologize, and you can go on your way." A moment of silence passed and Guts got very tense.

"Fine. Fine, you're right. I can't eat it," Guts said, giving Owen the bowl of stuffed pumpkin.

"Why not?"

Guts took a breath. "That day, I did poison the pumpkin. But not to poison Magic. That was a complete accident."

An eerie smile spread across Owen's lips that Apo knew all too well.

"And I know I should have said something sooner. I told Magic already and Magic isn't angry with me. Forgive but don't forget, ya know?"

"That's the thing. I don't think it's up to Magic, or me, or you, who decides what goes scot-free, or where judgment comes from, or where it lands. I think judgment and consequence is a funny way of catching up to you, Guts. And I don't think you should try to run from it." With that Owen pulled out a knife.

And Guts ran to the rope.

As they climbed, Owen swiftly made his way over to a trapdoor with a button behind it. He pushed it. And all of a sudden, the rope broke and Guts came tumbling down to the ground.

Owen slowly walked towards Guts. He pulled out a javelin, and raised it in a throwing position. He shot.

Emmy withdrew Guts' soul mere moments before the javelin hit. Owen looked slightly confused when they didn't scream, but shrugged it off.

As soon as he was gone, Emmy leapt down from her perch on top of the cabinets. She ran over to Guts' body, and made sure she couldn't sense Owen anymore before getting ready to heal them.

She took a deep breath, and channeled her power.

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Guts' body rose from the floor. The wound in their head where the javelin hit disappeared. The blood dried up and soon they looked untouched. Emmy let the red orb float back into Guts' mouth.

And Guts was awake and gasping for air. Apo splashed some potion on Guts, while Daisy and Phoebe helped them up.

"What the-" Guts was cut off by Emmy putting her finger to their mouth.

"Shhh!" Emmy said, putting her other finger to her own mouth.

Emmy reopened the portal to the tunnel, and Apo and Phoebe led Guts through. Emmy and Daisy stayed behind, Daisy putting a drop of potion on some blood on the floor. A mirage of Guts soon formed on the floor exactly as they would've been if not for Emmy.

Emmy heard footsteps above them.

"C'mon!" She grabbed Daisy by the wrist and pulled her through the portal just as Owen returned.

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