Waking Up: Rasbi

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 Rasbi had been stuck for ages. She was stuck in her own mind, in an endless pit of darkness. Is this what purgatory was? Or was this the afterlife? Honestly, Rasbi didn't care where she was, all she wanted was to get out. She was slowly becoming more conscious. She could've sworn she can sometimes hear herself breathing.

Rasbi would occasionally hear other things like voices, or big booming noises, or a weird whirring sound. Suddenly, Rasbi faintly heard someone come in. It sounded like two people, at least she thought. Their voices were very muffled, she could barely hear what they were saying. She tried to move, but it felt like her limbs were glued to the ground.

"she...wake u....? Rasbi's thoughts flashed through painful memories when she heard the voice. Was it... No, not that voice. Not Owen. No. She was pretty sure she was dead, but if she was, was Owen in her afterlife? That'd be a pretty sucky one if it was.

Then she heard another familiar voice. It was Apo. Apo spoke. Something about spiky fruit? Footsteps left and Rasbi thought she was alone again. Then Owen spoke. She could hear it clearer now, he must be closer. Rasbi tried to recoil, but couldn't move. She decided her best chance was to play dead.

"R- Rasbi? Can you hear me?" He sounded scared and guilty. Why would he be guilty? He didn't care for her. He laughed dryly. "This is so stupid. She can't respond!" He wasn't wrong, but even if she could, she wouldn't. He continued like talking to himself was something he did a lot.

"Look, Rasbi, I'm sorry. I was so angry, I don't know why I was so mad. I was raised to be a killing machine, I was told that was my purpose my entire life, but I listened. I became a terrible person because of chasing a purpose." Rasbi was not expecting this. Was Owen... apologizing? She could also feel herself slowly gaining control of her breathing again, and she could finally feel her limbs, even though she couldn't move them.

"When I was 15, I swore to myself that I wouldn't follow in my father's footsteps. He-He abused me, he manipulated me. He hated demons with his entire being, and he would do anything to kill them. He would do terrible things to them, but most of all, he would hurt anyone in his way. He wanted me to be just like him, and he hurt me both physically and mentally when I wasn't. I swore I wouldn't be like him. But here I am, just as terrible as he was." His voice broke.

No, this had to be a lie. But he- he didn't know that she could hear him. She tried to distance herself, not get tricked again. But she missed him and a huge part wanted this to be true. Rasbi slowly cracked an eye open and saw a tear run down his face. He was crying! Rasbi watched the tear fall down his cheek.

She took in her surroundings. She was on some kind of bed, and there was something on her mouth helping her breathe. There was a flower growing on her arm, to her surprise, and Owen was sitting in a chair next to her.

"The point is, I'm sorry for being such a terrible person, I'm sorry for killing your sister, I'm sorry for trying to kill you, heck, you might not even wake up-" Rasbi saw Owen choke on his sobs, taking a shaky breath in and out.

Then they made eye contact. He had noticed she was awake. Rasbi's heart jumped and Owen's face paled.

"You're awake!" He said, and Rasbi couldn't tell if it was out of wonder, excitement, or shock.

"You-You heard all of that, didn't you..." Owen said, face flushing. He held his head with his hands.

Rasbi tried to laugh at his embarrassment, but all that came out were odd sounding breaths.

The machine next to her started beeping rapidly. Owen jumped, and Rasbi would've, if she could move anything but her eyes.

Apo came bolting into the room, holding a jar of weird looking liquid. When he saw Rasbi awake, he turned to Owen and yelled, "I leave you two alone for FIVE MINUTES!"

Owen giggled, and Rasbi could tell it was genuine. She hadn't heard it in a while.

Rasbi also laughed, but again, the machine started beeping rapidly. Apo took the weird mask thing off her face, and turned the machine off. Rasbi could breathe normally again. Apo started to see how able she was. "Can you speak?" Rasbi tried to shake her head, but their head wouldn't move.

Owen seemed to see what she meant, and said, "What can you do?" Rasbi blinked rapidly.

"Ok then, we'll have to see what Daisy says, I'm no doctor," Apo said.

Someone else came running into the room at that moment. Rasbi didn't recognize this person. Her most prominent feature was their giant mushroom hat,

"I heard the beeping! Is she okay?" she yelled. Apo gestured to Rasbi. She had a high, friendly-sounding voice. Although it was currently laced with stress.

The person covered their mouth. "Is she responsive?"

Apo nodded.

"Can she breathe on her own?"

Apo threw his hands up "WHY WOULD I TAKE OFF THE BREATHING MASK IF SHE COULDN'T?!" Owen laughed.

"I was just worried," the person said, then turned to Rasbi, "Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Blink once for yes and twice for no." Rasbi stared at them, thought for a moment, and then didn't blink.

"Daisy, you realize that if she blinks once she either is okay, or something hurts, right?" Apo laughed. Daisy glared at him and then re-worded her question,

"Does anything still hurt?"

Rasbi blinked twice. She was feeling rather numb to most of her limbs, and she knew if she tried to move it would probably hurt, but she wasn't in any pain as of now.

Daisy nodded. "Good. Until you can move, we'll stick to liquid food. You'll get better eventually, though it might take some physical therapy. Now, Apo, Owen, shoo while I get some medicine ready."

Apo left the room, and Owen glanced at Rasbi and flashed her a small smile.


So that happened. 

I hoped you liked this chapter!

My friend misheard me say Apo's name the first time I was telling them about Outsiders. They misheard it as "Apple" which was ironic, but then we corrected them and they were like NO THEIR NAME IS NOW APOL. So now we have an inside joke where they will secretly change Apo's name from Apo to Apol on the document that I type this story on. I felt the need to tell you this in case you are reading and you randomly see an Apol instead of an Apo, which means I just missed it reading over it before I publish x_x

So if you do find a random Apol in the document please tell me, and know that my friends will tease me about it for the rest of my life. Also, if you catch any spelling errors please tell me, and I don't mind constructive criticism as well!

Thanks so much for reading!

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