Undercover: Owen

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When Apo improvised Owen's name as 'Orange', he had to hold himself from losing it. Of course that's what Apo had told his brother. If he ever took Apo to his village or army, he'd call them Apple just to get him back.

Apo and Will had taken a while to catch up again, which was mostly Apo trying to get Will to do most of the talking about where he had been. Apo was avoiding telling Will about anything, because both Owen and Apo knew that if Will found out about the maze, he would find out they should both be dead, which would be a terrible way to end the mission. Owen knew Apo couldn't take losing his brother again, or having another person yell at him for lying. Owen could see it was already killing them enough to be lying to his brother in general.

Hopefully though, between Emmy's prosthetic horns that she made, along with some fake demon canines, and Owen's natural orange eye Will wouldn't find out anything. Now all he had to do was avoid getting his head dragged against something, or getting his hair wet, or digging his hands through his hair....

Okay, this mission was going to be harder than he thought. Running his hands through his hair was a constant habit, and he was biting his tongue with the fake teeth every time he tried to speak. And when he did speak, he sounded like an idiot. He was having a harder time speaking. He was more frequently saying pastha instead of pasta, and fink instead of think.

But as far as Owen knew, Will didn't suspect a thing.

Owen was noticing certain... differences between human villages and demon ones. The community was different. Everyone knew everyone, people said hi to each other as if they grew up together.

If a soldier came back from war injured, then everyone would open up their homes to heal them, and many people made food for them or checked on them, even if they didn't know the soldier. Everyone was very close, and very trusting. The children ran around the streets, their parents not worried about them getting into trouble.

Meanwhile, in Owen's old village, every child was held close to their mothers, scared of their own home. Kidnapping was frequent in human villages, and every child kept their head down.

Apo had also googled it, 1 in 7 human children were abused or neglected at one point. Compared to the demon percentage of 1 in 125, it was quite shameful.

Demon villages were so drastically different, Owen felt out of place at the kind looks people would give him.

Occasionally, someone would look at Owen with fear, like they could see who he really was. They likely could, but it had only happened twice, and both times they had kept quiet about it.

The first time it was with a pure blood demon, who looked so old Apo joked he was probably alive during Queen Luminia's time. And the look he gave them made them think that Apo was right. His face paled as much as a demon's could, and his eyes followed Apo and Owen as they walked.

The second was with a small child, who pointed and whispered to her mom, who was having a conversation with the fruit stand owner, so she ignored her child and simply nodded and said, "Mhm... yeah, sweetie, one second..."

Will had shown Owen and Apo around the capital, and around town, but Apo still hadn't found the floral shop that Emmy was talking about. To be fair, Apo hadn't actually tried yet, he hadn't had time to slip away yet.

They had three months, it would be fine.



Acorn is the cutest puppy in all the land. It's official. 


Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment or a vote, it really helps motivate me to keep writing :D Also please feel free to point out any spelling, pronoun, or grammar errors.

See you around the campfire for the next one :)

Apo will be telling stories... but only to those who listen.

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