Important A/n

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I got my ao3 invitation! 

I'm slowly posting deathlings there as well!

It has 3 of like 30 something chapters 💀

But I was rereading "backstabber" and realized how much of a mood change it is. It goes from "ooh ominous and spooky" to "sunshine and rainbows and oops apos dead! 😃"

So... I rewrote it. 

This chapter will have the original, so you and I can compare how much my writing has improved :) when this comes out, I will be changing it immediately after.

You can go read the new chapter when I update it :)

It is more mysterious, less mood change and more angst and gore.

So here's the original:

Ever since Squidney joined the Phantom crew everything's been a lot better. And when Oeca and Mohwee joined, things improved further. Probably because Phoebe was too distracted by trying to keep them from arguing too much to do anything else. Or maybe it was because Mowhee had mentioned Krow was a dragonborn (a demon one, at that), and then that was all Phoebe could think about.

Jay still wasn't over the accident though. Emmy could see it in his eyes. In his mind.

On a particularly cloudy day, Emmy skipped down the passage toward the portal entrance.

The passage is a tunnel that opens from a portal that they can station wherever they want. At this particular moment, it is in a wall in the maze, accessible only by a person with a spirit charm. And their guest.

Inside, it resembled a tunnel for a few yards, with barrels and other random clutter spread about. Then, it opened up into a large cave with a waterfall pouring water into a lake below, where magical plants grew off of it. Gigantic lily pads that could hold an elephant, hissing cattail, and funky multicolored flowers that changed colors every second grew all along the glorious looking shore, while glow berries hung from the ceiling. A cliff overlooked part of it, where the bridge was attached and the tunnel came out at. Multiple caves dotted the walls.

And floating in midair above the lake, was a massive floating airship. It had a huge off-white balloon tied down by several ropes. There were wings on the side and a propeller on the back. And on the side, it read, Phantom.

When Emmy had told Phoebe she was getting someone else, she had nodded excitedly, wondering who it would be (probably hoping it was Krow).

It wasn't.

His name was Apo.

And he was currently being chased by his former best friend.

* * *


Apo rounded the corner, looking back to make sure he wasn't behind him. He wasn't. Apo's heart was racing. He looked ahead. He could see it. The clearing. He ran toward it faster than ever.

And then he felt it. A sharp object piercing through his chest. He fell to the ground. At first it didn't hurt, but then the pain came at him like a truck.

He looked at the entrance to the clearing. It was so close. Suddenly, he wasn't on the maze floor anymore. He was standing up, looking at his friends. Graecie, Rasbi, Red, Owen. They were standing in front of an open field. No walls. No maze.

Owen turned to him. "We did it, Apo!" he said.

Apo gave into the pain. He collapsed onto the ground, blood running out of his mouth. He turned onto his back, tears running out of his red eyes.

Deathling - Outsiders SMPWhere stories live. Discover now