A3. Unhappy welcomes

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Avery looked at Tommy with an expression on complete bewilderment. Tubbo did too. Tommy looked around at them and couldn't understand what he did wrong. Avery decided to answer his question.

"You meet a stranger in the woods..get little to no information on them and then invite them into your country? Is this normal for you?"

Tubbo's gaze was disbelieving because of Tommy's complete idiocy. Wilbur would never let this happen. Okay...maybe not never. Tommy was the vice-president. He did have a say -all be it a small one- in the country's decisions. A new recruit would significantly help them. But how could they know Avery didn't work for Dream?

Tubbo finally spoke. "Tommy, are you insane or just stupid." Tommy seemed surprised his best friend would say such harsh words. "I'm not st-" Avery cut him off. "Rhetorical question..." Tommy looked confused. Tubbo glared at him and Tommy's brain started to shift its gears. His mind clicked, he opened his mouth and swiftly closed it. His mouth formed a small 'o'.

Avery and Tubbo burst out laughing, while Tommy stood there, face transformed into a look of annoyance. "Do you want to come or not?" He asked harshly. "How can I trust you?" Avery questioned with a look of suspicion in her gaze. Tubbo looked at his feet, searching for an answer.

An arrow suddenly was lodged in a tree next to Tommy. A note was tied around it. He read it and passed it to Tubbo.

You have 2 minutes to run back to L'manberg or you will all die or be taken hostage
~ :)

Tubby handed it to Avery who quicker scanned it. "Which way?" She asked. "What?" Tommy said, confused. "Which way to L'manberg?" She repeated. Tubbo pointed west and then started sprinting. Tommy and Avery quickly followed. Within a minute and a half L'manberg came into view. At the top of the wall a guard was patrolling. Luckily, Tommy recognized the guard as Jack Manifold. Jack seemed to have noticed them and was absolutely pissed off.

After getting inside L'manberg without getting killed, Avery, Tubbo and Tommy were greeted to a very unhappy Jack. "Hello Jack..." Tubbo said quietly. "What were you thinking? Going outside without permission?! You could have been killed!" Jack shouted. He paused. "Who is this?" He pointed at Avery. "A woman we found in the woods." Tommy answered plainly. Jack went off and shouted until Niki came and slapped him across the face. "Shut up! We're trying to sleep!" She told him and dragged him back to bed, not noticing the three kids hiding in the shadows.

They decided to go to Tommy's room and talk to Wilbur in the morning. The quietly snuck to Tommy's room and opened the door, and they slipped inside. Tommy collapsed to the floor and Tubbo had to drag him back to his feet. Tubbo found the lantern and lit it. It illuminated the whole room, including a person standing in the middle of it.

It was Wilbur.

"You, are in so much trouble."

Word Count: 511

"Cause I know who you really are. A junkie who solves crimes to get high, and a doctor who never came home from the war."

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