B3. Enderboy's Escape

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I'm just too invested in the Charlie and Quackity story...and I haven't even watched a single episode of the dream smp. It's sad because I have to write the story before I can read it lol
I have stuff for Avery Tubbo and a Tommy fellow in the works but I'm just not feeling the vibe ya' know?

Tw- Mentions of blood

Ranboo sprinted down the hall, blood pouring from his shoulder and splattering the floor. He frantically looked for an exit until he found one at the end of the hall. He burst through the door and found himself in a courtyard. A fence lined the courtyard and blocked off the spaces between the different buildings. Ranboo willed himself to teleport over the fence, even though it was difficult.

He wasn't a full enderman, after all.

After 15 seconds of personal motivation he wound up on the other side of the fence. He continued running and thought it was weird no one was following him.

There was a couple places he could go. The shabby hut in the woods he had constructed for himself. He could find Tommy and Tubbo and go to L'manberg, or he could find...no. He wouldn't.

Ranboo decided L'manberg would be his best bet because he had friends there and he could find protection. Well, he would be protected from Schlatt, but endangered by the war taking place. He had to get there quick, as his head was slowly becoming more dizzy from blood loss. 

After ten minutes he could barely Will himself to take another step. His head was pounding and his legs were about to go out. After another half a minute he collapsed. He cursed himself because he would pass out at the end of a day easily followable trail of blood.  He laid his head down in the dirt and passed out.

The last thing he heard was hoofbeats.


"Bloody hell!"

Philza exclaimed, stopping his horse at the sign of a trail of blood. Technoblade halted his horse and looked at Phil. "Do we follow it?" Techno asked. Phil looked at him. "Of course we follow it, what if someone's hurt?"  Technoblade returned Philza's scathing gaze from under his piglin skull mask.

"What if it's a trap?"
"Then it's a bloody good trap."

Philza abruptly started down the path. Not a minute later he stopped his horse and jumped down. Techno rode up behind him and dismounted. Phil's face was shocked at the sight of what was at the end of the path.

A tall boy laid on the ground, bleeding from the shoulder, which had a knife embedded in it. Techno immediately noticed the peculiar boy's features. Face half black and half white with matching hair. The tip of the kid's tail rested near his nose.

He was breathing, luckily.

Philza was gazing over his shoulder, where a figure was swiftly approaching. "Phil...we should leave..I'm not exactly welcomed everywhere." Technoblade asked tentatively. Phil walked forward and picked the kid up. This wasn't the easiest task in the world, as the child was taller than Philza was.

Techno looked back and the figure was pretty close. Philza and Techno leapt onto their rides and urged their horses to go. The figure was practically on top of them.

"On the name of JSchlatt, you will put the boy down NOW!" He shouted. His skin was green and he looked like a creeper...weird. Techno looked back. "Oh, now I've broken Schlatt's rules. Cool." He smiled. Phil looked at him with an 'are you serious right now?" expression. Phil slightly considered extending his wings and knocking Techno off his horse.

He didn't.



Lol nice to end with a joke. Not really a joke but still funny.
I'm just piling on more characters faster than I can write the pre-existing ones lol I'm digging myself a grave. I'll go write Tommy and Tubbo but I just wanted to get Ranboo's escape completed and Techno and Philza were the only way I could think of doing that.
Word count: 599 without note (the bottom one at least)

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