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𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖛
  "Get up," Adalyn stands up, offering me her hands. "Let's go somewhere."
  I take her hands and stand with her help.
  "Where do you want to go so late?" I ask, glancing down at my watch. "Only a few places are open."
  "Name a spot." She nods to me.
  "My apartment," I sigh. "I just want to sleep."
  "Fine," Her eyes trail up and down my body, and I know she thinks I didn't notice. "We walking?"
  "No. I rode my bike here," I shake my head. "I have an extra helmet."
  "What, like a bicycle?" She scoffs. "That'll get us back in 20 minimum."
  "No, slow ass. A motorcycle." I giggle. "It'll get us there in 5, max."
  "Oh my god." Her eyes widen as she follows me out of the room. "You're sixteen, Madison. You'll kill yourself on that thing before you turn eighteen. Do you even have a license?"
  "Of course I do. It's not like it matters if I die on it anyway," I shrug. "Where else do I have to be? What do I have to be doing?"
  She just stares at me.
  Once we're outside, she sighs at my white R6, terror and concern evident on her face. I hand her a black helmet, one that matches mine.
  "You're fine," I slip the helmet over my head. "I'll be driving, right? As long as you have that on, you're fine." I tap her helmet.
  She takes a deep breath before putting it on and sitting down behind me. The bike revvs the more I squeeze the throttle.
  I take off out of nowhere, and suddenly I can feel her arms caging around my waist. The wind rips through me, as I'm assuming it does Adalyn.
  We ride for another few minutes before I slow at my building.
  "Not so bad," I giggle. "Right?"
  "I want to throw up."
  I click my floor button in the elevator, the dings and clicks of it all filling the enclosed space.
  "Was it really that bad?" I ask.
  "No. Just scary," She shrugs. "Maybe if I was driving it'd be better. Or if you were older."
  She mutters the last bit under her breath.
  I step out of the elevator with her following close behind. Opening my door, we both walk in. She stands beside my counter, sighing.
  I slip my shoes off and head straight to my room to change. Leaving her alone, I hope she can manage herself.
  I step out of my pants and pull my shorts up, then slip my shirt off and over my head.
  Suddenly, my door flies open and Ada stumbles in.
  "Since when did you have-" She doesn't see me at first. "Sorry."
  She begins to close the door, but I stop her.
  "Ada. Wait," She opens it back up, her gaze directed at the floor.
  "Thank you." I step towards her.
  "For what?" Her voice is shaky and she's nervous.
  "For earlier," I take another step, now standing only a few inches away from her. "I needed you and you were there. I haven't cried like that in a long time."
  She finally looks up, and her eyes meet mine.
  "Of course," She grins a little. "You matter to me, you know."
  I just stare at her, the open window creating a slight breeze in the room.
Shivering, I slip my second light blue NC hoodie over my head. I had my own, but now Ada has it. This one was supposed to be Addis, but she never took it from me.
  "You act so surpised that I'm here for you. Why?"
  "I don't know."
  "Fuck, Madison. I care about you." She curses, her hands finding the sides of my neck.
  I close my eyes for a moment. I haven't known her long enough yet.
  "Because I can't trust myself around you."
Her hands slide down my body, stopping and resting at my waist.
"What do you mean?" She asks.
"I haven't known you long enough to know how and what I'm going to feel when I see you.. and hear you, and touch you.." I start. "What if I can't control myself? There are too many bad things that could happen."
"What kind of things?" She scoffs. "Are you gonna yell at me? Hit me? I can take it."
"I would never hit you."
Then, it dawns on me. She used me hitting her as an argument. Does she think I'd hit her?
"Do you think I would..?"
She quickly realizes what she said, and I can tell by the look in her eyes; pure realization and regret.
"Madison, no. I didn't mean it like that-"
"Then how did you mean it? 'Oh, yeah, you're an aggressive fighter but you'd neeeever hit me.'" I mock. "There's only one way you could've meant it- and it wasn't that."
"I didn't mean it at all." She shakes her head.
I start to walk towards her.
"Maybe I will hit you, to prove you right. Are you afraid of me hitting you? Do I scare you?" She steps back as I continue forward, her eyes brimmed with unfallen tears. "I fucking figure-"
She cuts me off by wrapping me in an unexpected hug, stopping me in my tracks. My stomach does a flip or two as she clutches the fabric of my hoodie in her hands. It goes quiet, and she begins whispering.
"I'm not scared of you. I haven't been and never will be." She rests her chin on my shoulder. "You aren't a scary person, Mads. You don't scare me."
I slowly wrap my arms around her as her grip around me loosens, her hands rested on my back.
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𝖆𝖉𝖆𝖑𝖞𝖓'𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖛
My heart flutters. I can feel her hands snaking around me, and I immediately understand that how she reacted was exactly what she was talking about. I should've listened to her, and not doing that turned out to be bad for the both of us.
"Okay," She sighs and lets go of me.
We both step back.
"I'll make you food, if you're hungry." She shrugs. "Or we can order something."
"I don't think I'm hungry." I mutter, shaking my head.
She nods, turning around and walking out of her room. I stand alone in the dark, one half of my body illuminated by the pale moonlight.
"Shit." I curse to myself before walking out.
  She stands on her phone beside the couch, typing aggressively.
  "Adrienne's got a broken finger," She looks up as soon as she hears me come in. "Malcom's taking her home."
  "Fuck." I sigh, walking in between the coffee table and the couch, sitting down. "I need to talk to her and Dallas."
Maybe Brayden, too. I wonder if he let Dallas do what he did.
  "I thought we were done with him?" Madison cocks her head and sits down right beside me, facing my direction.
  "We will be. I just need to let him know." I nod. "He needs to know I won't fucking stand there and watch him hurt people."
  "I'll talk to him." She states, studying my face.
  "No," I shake my head. "I don't mean hurt him."
  "I never said that's what I was going to do. Just let me talk to him." She shakes her head. "I know people like him. I don't want you going if he's going to hurt you."
  "He won't." I furrow my brows.
  "Right, but he threw Adrienne through a door. What makes you think he's had a change of heart?" She cocks her head once again. "You aren't going. Not without me."
  "I'm going." I give her a look. "You don't own me, Madison."
  I stand up and try to walk past her, but she grabs me by the hoodie and pulls me back down to her. I'm forced to sit back down directly in front of her, her hand tugging on my collar.
  "You're right, I don't." She pulls me in, our faces close. "But I could. Don't think that just because you have Brayden I won't."
  I just stare into her eyes, her pupils fixed and filled with intensity.
  "You aren't going."
  My lips part, and her eyes immediately shift down to them. She takes a deep breath, my hand finding her free one. I immediately take her hand in mine, setting it on my thigh.
  Her lips tug into a slight smirk, her right hand shifting from my collar to my neck.
  "Are you trying to seduce me into letting you go?" She mutters.
  Silence. For a moment, all I can feel are her fingers on my throat.
  "It's working."
  Surprised at her sudden confirmation, I blink.
  "Is it?"
  "Mhm, and I might just fall for it." Her right hand slides down my body and stops on my lower waist. "Is this what you wanted?"
"Depends." My breathing picks up, becoming slightly faster the further her hands move.
  Her fingers on her left hand dig into my thigh, her cold hands provoking a shock on my skin.
  "Ada," She speaks softly. "If this happens, you're staying. I'm not going to let you go."
  "Then let it happen."
As much as I was hoping I could fuck her and go talk to Dallas, just having her touch me was enough.
  My hands slide up her shoulders to hold her face. She takes a shaky breath in, her eyes narrowing. I slowly lay back, pulling her with me.
  I land flat on my back, my hands guiding her over me. She stares down at my lips, her arms on either side of my shoulders.
  She leans down, and just as I think she's about to kiss me, she instead buries her face in my neck.
  "Fuck you," I huff, her lips leaving goosebumps on my skin.
Very funny.
"Brayden's gonna be so mad.." I pant, my eyes closing.
"Fuck Brayden."
  She trails wet kisses all along my neck and my jaw, her tongue following close after. My hands get tangled in her hair, the soft strands of brown proving her to be even more irresistable.
  I curse as she bites down on my skin, quickly soothing the area with her tongue. Leaving a hickey directly on my pulse point, I can feel her geind.
  She eventually trails up to my jaw, kissing and licking up it until she reaches my lips. She takes a quick look at them before connecting ours, moving almost methodically. She bites down on my bottom lip, pulling it between her teeth. She then runs her tongue over it, smiling into my lips.
"You're so pretty, Ada," She mutters, squeezing my thigh. "You know that?"
My stomach flips.
"Too pretty for him," She continues. "I can make you feel better than he ever could."
My hands slip under her shirt to feel up her abs, her muscles tensing under my touch. She continues to kiss me, my hands only getting more desperate for her. I tug on her shirt, hinting that I want it off.
She sits up, pulling it over her head. Returning to where she was before, my hands feel her up.
Her hand slowly trails down my torso, finding the inside of my thigh. Desperate whimpers escape my throat as soon as her fingers come in slight contact with the nerves between my legs, all absorbed by her soft lips.
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𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖔𝖓'𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖛
As my fingers continue to tease, she starts grinding into my hand. She moans into my mouth, one of her hands now trying to pull her shorts down.
"Calm down." I pause at her sudden movements, my movements slowing down significantly.
I supress a grin. Lifting my head, I just watch her. She slowly pulls her shorts off, tossing them onto the floor. I stare at her black lace thong, her hand forcing my face back to hers.
Before I can do anything more, she kisses me. Her lips move in sync with mine as my hand finds speed again, whimpers slipping from her lips.
My hand then moves back up to her lower abdomen, my thumb slipping beneath her waistband.
She huffs, pushing my hand back down and further in between her legs.
"Ada." I stop her before she can move my hand any further. "Not on my couch."
  She groans before sitting up, her hands rubbing my shoulders.
  "I want you, please. I'm not letting you stop this because you're afraid of us fucking your couch up."
"I want you too, but it's not just because we'll fuck it up."
"Then why not just stay here? You think too much." She sighs. "Just do, don't think."
"Shut up."
  With this, I immediately stand and lift her into my arms. She wraps her legs around me, taking her time to kiss me more. I walk us to my room, throwing her down onto my bed. I kneel in front of her, my right hand automatically finding her waist.
  "Better than the couch?" My left thumb finds her bottom lip, running along it and pulling it down.
  "Maybe." She tilts her head. "I didn't mind the forced proximity."
  I pull her onto my lap, leaning against the headboard.
  "You are so not funny." I shake my head.
  "Just admit your couch is too nice to fuck up."
  "My couch isn't nice enough to fuck you on."
She starts to move her hips, as she had done earlier, instead grinding them against my own. I sigh, my hands instinctively squeezing her thighs.
Holy fuck.
I tuck loose strands of hair behind her ear, hoping to see her face in every moment of pleasure. Her hands are on my torso, using it dor further leverage.
"Shit," She huffs, her head falling back.
  I kiss her temple, and I can barely see her face reddening in front of me.
She continues for a few moments before I push her back down onto the mattress, climbing over her. I kiss her neck and collarbone, leaving countless hickies all over her.
Is it a crime to need her this bad? All I've been thinking about all day is this moment, and now, it's even better than I'd imagined.
  She once again moves my hand to the hem of her panties, breathing heavily.
  "Use your words, pretty. Tell me what you want."
  "Here. I want you here." She whispers, pressing my hand into her lower torso.
  My hand slips into her panties, trailing onto her pussy. I start to rub her clit, my thumb circling it slowly.
  She moans quietly, a fire erupting in my chest at the sweet sound.
  My thumb continues to circle as I slip two fingers into her, pushing them knuckle deep. Her mouth opens in a silent scream.
  She lets out a small sigh, her eyebrows pulled together.
  "Is that what you want?" I whisper in her ear, taking her lobe between my teeth.
  She only hums, her hips grinding into my wrist once she realizes I'm not moving.
"Such a needy girl."
  Her hands claw at my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin. I curl my fingers, slowly, and her hands immediately grip onto me tighter.
Her back arches, her head tilted as far back as it'll go.
"Oh god." A pleased sigh leaves her lips as I change the pace, my fingers now moving quick.
My free hand slips under her shirt, cupping her breast.
She hums desperately, her eyes shut tight.
I unclasp her bra with my fingers, pulling it off and tossing it onto the floor. She squirms with every movement of my hand, still holding onto me. My hand finds her breast, squeezing it.
I can feel her cunt tightening around my fingers, and her moans only get louder. I sense her getting closer, so I slow the pace, and she immediately grinds harder.
"Madison," her tone is erotic, yet somehow it sounds concerned. "Please, keep going. I'm so-"
I grin into the skin of her neck. "Close? I know, pretty. You're so desperate, and it's so sweet. You'll come soon."
She looks at me, the glint in her eyes gone, and a newfound darkness lingering in them instead.
I can only feel the defiance. I slowly start to pull my fingers out, hoping to get submission out of her.
"Fine." her voice is small, quiet.
"Good girl."
She breathes heavily as I slowly kiss down her chest, stopping momentarily to suck on her nipples. She arches into my lips, soft hums slipping from her throat.
I let her nipple go, continuing down her stomach and hips, making sure to kiss every bit of skin just before the desire pooling between her legs. I don't have to see it to know how in need she is, I could feel it with every touch of my fingers.
I finally reach her inner thighs, kissing them slowly. I can't help but grin at her wetness, knowing I caused every drop.
"Please, Madison," she bucks up into the air. "I can't hold it. Please."
Finally giving her what she wants, I push my finger in before attaching my lips to her swollen clit, staring up at her as her head falls back.
My tongue dances around it, and I don't think I've ever tasted anything sweeter. I hum, and she shudders.
Moans escape her lips, and I let go of her clit to push my tongue into her cunt. Her jaw drops, her eyes closing and eyebrows turning in. I lap up every drop of wetness she lets out, my arms wrapping around her thighs. I keep her knees apart, though I can feel her trying to close them tightly.
She looks so beautiful when she's all messy for me.
Her hands latch onto my hair as I lick up and down her slit, devouring her with every labored breath she takes. I pull my arm back, licking my lips as I part from her nerves and replace the absence with my middle finger. She quickly bucks her hips, all but silently begging me for more.
"You're such a good girl for me, Angel. You look so perfect."
My eyes skim every inch of her appearance, her messy hair and dazed eyes, the single bead of sweat trailing her temple.
So fucking perfect.
Her chest rises and falls with every thought that races through my mind.
"I need to cum, Mads, please."
I haven't decided whether or not I've had enough yet. Then again, I don't think I could ever have enough of her sweet pussy.
"Show me how bad you need it," I say.
She grins, increasing the speed of her hips and eventually starting to ride my finger. I add another, my index now sinking into her alongside my middle.
"Good girl. Keep going, come on my fingers. Keep moving those sweet hips."
Her head falls back, and her moans raise an octave.
"Push," she whimpers. She moves faster by the second, chasing her high. "Yes. Fuck, yes."
I push my fingers deeper into her, my knuckles now swallowed by her tightening core. Adding one final finger, I curl them inside of her.
"Oh god. I'm coming, don't stop."
She lets loose on my hand with a slight scream, her cunt leaking with her release. I quickly attach my mouth to her once more, using my tongue to milk her for every last drop. Pulling away, I swallow.
She looks back up to me, her face red and glinted with exhaustion.

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