Distraction ❀

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In the blink of an eye, a month passed by.

A month as the Crown Princess.

Everything was just as normal. Strict teachers, court ladies, the royal family, rules and restrictions... Everything became usual to Mae-In as time went by.

But something wasn't the usual. It was Mae-In's feelings for the Crown Prince. It was complicated; she was kind of scared and nervous when she was near him but at the same time, she couldn't stop thinking about him and smiling when she thought of him.

Was she in love? She didn't know the proper answer.

Was she scared of him? Kind of.

Was he actually scary? No.

So, it was kind of complicated. She didn't know any answer correctly.

The Palace was chiming with people as it was the Young Prince's birthday in a week. Throughout the whole month, the Palace was decorated, guests were invited, menus were arranged and gifts were received. But the poor Young Prince was kept away from all these preparations as he was to be surprised on the day of his birthday. But that didn't stop him from sneaking around and glimpsing at the preparations.

Meanwhile, Mae-In was assigned harder tasks by Senior Court Lady Eun-Ju who had no mercy over crown princesses who disliked reading texts, etiquette, being one of those dramatic ladies and staying put in a particular place.

The pavilion where Mae-In took her classes was located in the middle of a huge yard in her quarters which overlooked the majestic lakes which were the mirrors for the maple trees of the yard. A lot of people passed that wayㅡ eunuchs, maids, servants, ministers, visitors, guests...

But no one piqued Mae-In's interest. One becomes uninterested in everything when they have to complete tons of paperwork given by a rather strict teacher.

It was a similar day.

Court ladies, maids, servants and ministers passed the path of the pavilion minding their businesses. It was a similar day when Mae-In was provided with a ton of paperwork. Tae-Sak was given the task to look after her Highness once again. Both of them were bored as usual.

"...What are the 'three followings'...?" Mae-In repeated the question being asked by the paper lying in front of her. Tae-Sak sleepily straightened her posture.

Mae-In tossed the calligraphy brush in her hands, thinking of an answer. She had her head resting on her palm with her eyes shut. She didn't like taking these foolish classes at all. Same things over and over again. She wished these classes an end. But when was the end?

"...Number One..." she mumbled and wrote the first point of the answer. That was the only point she knew. She looked up from her paperwork. Same old people passing by... A bunch of maids waiting for her outside on the gravel path with Court Lady Jin-Hee... She concentrated back on her boring assignment.

"Sure, Minister Han. I do think that is a good idea."

The sudden voice made Mae-In jolt up. It was the Crown Prince's voice and as soon as she heard it, it was as if someone shot an arrow right into her heart. Her heartbeat rose and so did the colour of her cheeks. She looked up from her work.

Outside the pavilion on the gravel path stood the Crown Prince, talking to a man with a white beard. It was Minister Han. The two of them stood talking, agreeing and nodding at each other's words. Mae-In's gaze was locked on the Crown Prince. He was talking with his soothing voice, thinking sometimes and presenting new ideas... It all appeared attractive to Mae-In. The rest of the world was a blur. She could see only him...

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