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With my head hanging low, not because I was trying to avoid Amanda, but because of yesterday's events, I didn't get to know who that stranger was or what he was doing outside my doorstep or why my uncle and Lucas hadn't mentioned anything about him earlier. It has been so frustrating since I got here. Because I am different, nobody cares to let me in on what's happening on the inside. All I am given are the basic details. Even Lucas won't budge to tell me a thing. Ever since he embarked on his Alpha training expedition he has been so closed off and distant. It's like I have lost a best friend. It sucks just like it felt to lose my parents. I feel so pathetic.

Making my way to my locker, while ignoring the not-so pleasing whispers that were loud enough to be heard above the song I had been playing on repeat for two days straight and the glares I was getting from them. I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings until my body collided with a wall. When did they build a wall in the middle of the hallway ? And when did the walls become warm?

I jerked my head up and was greeted by the face of Jake Pierce, the school bad boy and also Amanda's ex-boyfriend, the person at the top of my list of people to avoid, well, other than Amanda. Talk of a match made from heaven.

One of the few reasons Amanda bullies me is because Jake talks to me sometimes, which came as a surprise to me. I had never imagined someone as popular as he is, an Alpha of his own pack, would want to converse with me, the target of the school so casually with a smirk plastered on his dangerously perfect face. She didn't seem to like it very much. She made it clear when she poured the contents of her detox milk all over my clothes.

I try my best to stay out of his way, but it's always moments like these that get me in trouble. Why did I have to be so careless and end up bumping into him? If I paid more attention to my surroundings, I wouldn't have been in such a mess.

I looked at him, and he was already looking at me with a smirk on his face.

"Well well well, if it isn't my little human, how are you doing today, little human?" he greeted me with amusement in his voice. My?

"And if it isn't the school bad boy, I have already told you this a gazillion times this is not okay. You shouldn't be talking to me, remember? "

He knows his ex-girlfriend doesn't like him being found around me or any other girls in school, but he doesn't care. This is Jake we're talking about. He doesn't play by anyone's rules, not even the school administration. He is Alpha Peirce's only son. Everyone knows not to mess with anything and anyone that belongs to the Golden Five.

"You should be thanking me, you know, I saved you from falling and hurting that pretty little ass of yours" he said, with a huge grin on his face, and I just rolled my eyes and ignored him. He's one of the few people who talks to me at school and I liked him for that.

He is also my secret crush, but because he and Amanda are kinda involved with each other. I can't talk to him. I don't want drama.

With that, I stumped my way to first period, which was English. With Mr William, his class is one of the best the school has to offer. Everyone in it was handpicked specifically by him. It's my favorite because it has the least number of students and the only class I don't share with Amanda. As per usual, we had to present our findings from last week's reading of Romeo and Juliet. It was such a bore, but he made it work before I knew it, Sandy and I had to take our turn presenting.

Time flew fast and the next thing I knew, it was lunch, and I was making my way to the cafeteria. When I entered, I was greeted by the loud noises of chatty girls gossiping, people were eating, laughing and others were just scrolling through their socials. I stood for a while searching for an empty seat but couldn't seem to find any. All the cliques have taken up the spaces to do their daily gossip. I walked in towards the long queue of students making their food picks, and I was greeted by no other than Jake and Xavier. They yanked me towards them to the front of the queue. Everyone seemed irritated by the act but couldn't utter a word in fear of being on their bad side. Nothing good would come out of it. Sometimes I think they only talk to me to piss off Amanda and her minions, whose only reason for attending school is to drool over boys.

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