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This chapter is dedicated to panda20p thanks for all the support love 💕


It's a coincidence, right? It can't be him, it just can't.

The thought of how I even acted in front of him yesterday goes through my head and my blood runs cold. I'm in big shit, what should I do? Maybe I can convince my uncle to make him stay at the pack house because that way I won't be bumping into him every single day. And knowing myself, what I did yesterday was just a glimpse, I really do tend to get myself in trouble. It's like I stop thinking when I'm put in certain situations. I even know that I shouldn't provoke these men, but I guess I'm an idiot.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Emma asked while placing her hand on my shoulder. My attention shifted from the wall I'd been blankly staring at for a couple of minutes to her.

I didn't have the energy to stand up after my uncle made that announcement. Emma and I are still in this empty hall while I try to absorb the information my uncle gave us. Everyone else left a few minutes ago buzzing with excitement about everything that was said. I could even see grins on most girls' faces, some were even talking about how they would put on their best outfits every day in case they bumped into the king.

"Yes I'm fine, it's just that I can't believe there is a lycan here. I've never seen one before. Have you?" I asked her and her eyes instantly shined with excitement, she had a huge grin on my face as she looked down at me.

"Girl, it's so exciting, I've never seen one before. That's why I'm so excited, and we are not going to be seen just any lycan, it's the freaking lycan king!!" she exclaims and my frown deepens, that even makes it worse. I didn't just snap at any lycan, I snapped at the ruler of them all. Lucas always warned me about my attitude and how it would get me in trouble. I guess he was right.

"By the way, why aren't you happy about this?" I just gave her a small smile, hoping she'd believe what I was going to tell her.

"Nothing, I'm just worried about the whole Lycan thing. That's all" I explained to her.

"There's no need to be scared. Don't just do things that will get you in trouble." she tells me in a calm and soothing voice. I smile a little and nod, she's right, I should keep my guard up.

After our little chat, we left the hall, and made our way to the pack house.

"You wouldn't guess what I saw today" she tells me with a frown on my face, and my mouth parts as I ask her,

" what?"

"I saw Amanda and some brunette guy earlier today" she said, and I looked at her expectantly, hoping she wouldn't keep me in suspense for too long.

"He was shoving his tongue down her throat, and I cannot get that image out of my head." she said while pushing her hair to the sides, and I looked at her with apprehensive eyes. I am sure everyone around here knows how Amanda doesn't stick around one guy. I don't get why she can't wait for her mate. I mean, isn't it worth the wait?

"At least let them do that in private. Not everyone wants to see this, and, moreover, they are kids at the packing house. She should be more careful" and I absentmindedly shook my head in acceptance because I agree with her, poor kids, they had to watch that.

I was so engrossed by what we were talking about that I didn't realize we were already at the pack house and at Emma's door, I moved to the side, so that she could unlock it. Once she did, we entered the house and went straight to the living room.

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