004: grand betrayal

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After that night, Aracely refused to speak to Billy. In fact she told Camila right away about what had happened.

ARACELY: Of course I told her, why wouldn't I? I would hope that if I were ever in her shoes, someone would have the courage and decency to tell me.

CAMILA: I never confronted Billy, nor did I ever tell him I knew. Even now I'm not sure why he said what he said. Then again, I'm not sure I know about Billy.

Aracely had this beauty to her, so yes, I was jealous of her. However, I knew that she would never pursue anything with Billy. She respected our relationship, which I'm forever grateful for. There was never a time in my life that I was afraid she'd try anything with Billy.

ARACELY: Many people thought Billy and I hooked up, at least once in our career. They only assumed so, because I was a girl and he was a boy. Billy and I never slept together, we never kissed, we never did anything the magazines said we did.

BILLY: The rumors went wild when we publicly announced Aracely joining the band. They would say we only let her join because I was in love with her, or that we were together. None of that was true, we let her in because of her talent.

The band continued to play shows, however they were making enough money to support themselves. It was causing a real problem for the band. There the seven of them sat in a diner complaining about their money issue.

ARACELY: I had a daughter at home, of course I was worried about money. How was I supposed to support my daughter, she was one and a half at the time.

BILLY: Money was really tight, some of us began questioning if moving to LA was even worth it. But I knew it was worth it, I knew all of this would pay off.

After one of their performances, Aracely's sister brought Mara backstage. No one had known Aracely had a daughter, they always assumed it was her sister's. Everyone was shocked, Aracely had just turned twenty one and there she was with her one year old daughter.

ARACELY: I still remember the look on everyone's faces, they just seemed so confused. It was honestly so funny to see their faces flash with paleness.

EDDIE: When I saw her daughter, I thought to myself 'damn, she probably has a guy waiting for her back home.' I was disappointed to say the least. Here I was falling for this girl who I hardly talk to, and there she was with her daughter.

CAMILA: Mara was the cutest baby ever, she takes after her mother. I never asked about the father, it was none of my concern nor was it the bands. If she chose to tell us then that was up to her, I didn't want her to feel obligated to tell us.

After Marissa took Mara home, Billy pulled Aracely to a room to talk. The rest of the band waited for them. To this day, no one knows what they discussed. All they could say was that Aracely left the room with tears in her eyes, and Billy just looked overwhelmed.

INTERVIEWER: By any chance do you feel comfortable mentioning what you two discussed that night?