002: the gardens

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ARACELY: After that first performance, I was on this high. I needed to perform again. I booked as many gigs as possible, singing my music to anyone that would listen.

It wasn't until Aracely's seventh gig at a local bar where she was noticed by a record producer. Matthew Harlem, worked with all the big shots during the time, or so he claimed. He promised to make all of Aracely's dreams come true.

ARACELY: He said that my voice was angelic, that the world needed to hear it. I was freshly twenty, and he took me back to his "recording studio." It was a loft, there was no equipment there, just us. I realized what was about to happen the minute I stepped into the room.

Matthew locked the doors, leaving Aracely trapped. It was just the two of them in this so-called studio, miles away. She was helpless.

He kept complimenting her, saying how gorgeous she was. That she was destined to be a star, that is if she were to comply with his needs.

ARACELY: I kept thinking to myself, let it be quick. I knew what was going to happen, and I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it. Who was going to believe me? I was a nobody, and he was a well known producer.

Before Aracely knew it, Matthew forced himself onto her. The rest of it was a blur, she tried her best to forget the whole thing. All she wanted was to make music, and he stole that from her.

ARACELY: After that day...I couldn't sing—I wouldn't. Singing reminded me of it, he stole not only my innocence, but my passion. He took the one thing I loved most in the world. I canceled the rest of the gigs I had booked for the month.

KAREN: When Aracely told me what happened, I was fuming. I was half way across the country at the time, and I was devastated that I couldn't be there with her.

ARACELY: Karen tried convincing me to go to the police, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. They'd probably put the blame towards me, since I was not just a woman—but a woman of color.

A few weeks passed by, and Aracely realized she was late. She knew what this meant for her.

ARACELY: When I took the test, I knew what the answer was going to be. I still had hope that it wouldn't be what I thought it was.

Twenty year old Aracely sat on the floor of her bathroom and watched and the test showed two pink lines. She felt her body begin to shake, this was truly happening. She was pregnant, with her abuser's child.

ARACELY: I hadn't even lived my life yet, and here I was meant to bring life into it. I couldn't bring myself to do. I was all alone, however I did have one person; my father. At least I thought I did.

When I told him what had happened, he called me a whore. It was the first time my father had ever raised his voice at me. He said I was an absolute disgrace to the family name, and that I was no daughter of his.