007: breakdown

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BILLY: By the time we all got backstage, everybody was running around like chickens with their heads cut off because Daisy's band was nowhere to be found.

EDDIE: Apparently, Hank went down to the Apollo on his way out of town and took all five of Daisy's band members out with him. They just up and left.

KAREN: It was such a low blow.

ARACELY: It was such an asshole thing to do.

GRAHAM: Nothing was supposed to come before the music. Our job was to go out there and play for the audience. No matter what personal shit was going on.

DAISY: My band had walked out. Just walked out. I didn't know what to do.

KAREN: Everybody was trying to figure out what to do. But Graham is trying to catch my eye every second no one's looking. I was laughing to myself thinking, We are supposed to be trying to solve a problem here.

GRAHAM: I couldn't stop looking at Karen.

ARACELY: It was so noticeable what was going on between the two of them. Not even Eddie and I were that obvious.

KAREN: Graham was always the guy I would talk to about stuff. And that night I found myself wanting to tell him about this great afternoon I'd had. It was like I wanted to talk to him about him.

DAISY: I said to Rod, "Maybe I should go out there on my own." I didn't want to give up. I wanted to do something.

EDDIE: Rod had suggested that Graham go out there with Daisy and the two of them do a few acoustic versions of some of the songs from her album. But Graham wasn't really paying attention. I said, "I can do it."

ROD: I sent Daisy and Eddie out there with no idea what was going to happen and the whole time I'm watching them walk out to the mike like a cat on hot bricks.

DAISY: Eddie and I did a few songs. Really pared down. Just his guitar and me singing. I think we did "One Fine Day" and "Until You're Home." It was fine but we did not blow anybody away. And I knew Rolling Stone was out there and I needed to make a good impression. So on the last song, I decided to go off script.

EDDIE: Daisy leaned over to me and she gave me this vague beat and a key and told me to come up with something. That was it. Just "Come up with something." I did my best, you know what I mean? You can't exactly make up a song on the fly like that.

DAISY: I was trying to get Eddie to play something I could sing my new song to. I wanted to sing "When You Fly Low." He started and I sang a few bars, tried to get into a rhythm with him, but it wasn't working. I finally said, "Okay, forget that." I said it right in the mike. The audience was laughing with me. They were rooting for me. I could feel it. So I started singing it a cappella. Just me and my voice, singing this song I'd written. I'd worked hard on it, I'd polished it up from beginning to end. There wasn't a stray word in the whole thing. And it was just me and my tambourine with the stomp of my feet.

EDDIE: I was there behind her, tapping a beat out on the body of the guitar for her, helping her out. The crowd was into it. They were watching our every move.

ARACELY: That girl, she was talented. I watched her from backstage just singing, and she was good. Better than I ever was.

DAISY: It was such a rush, singing like that. Singing a song that I felt in my heart. Words that I had written that were all mine.
I watched the people at the front of the crowd listening to me, hearing me. These people from a different country, people I'd never met in my life, I felt connected to them in a way that I hadn't felt connected to anyone before.
It is what I have always loved about music. Not the sounds or the crowds or the good times as much as the words—the emotions, and the stories, the truth—that you can let flow right out of your mouth. Music can dig, you know?