006: the truth comes out

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After Karen and Aracely broke things off, things became different. Not just for them, but for the band as well. On the heels of their thrilling performance at the Whisky, Runner announced that Daisy Jones would be the opening act on The Six's world tour, dubbed the Numbers Tour. Billy appealed to Rod, Teddy, and Rich Palentino to change their minds and drop Daisy from the ticket, but he was finally forced to agree to the billing when Teddy showed him that ticket sales were climbing rapidly. Holdover dates were being added to the itinerary. As the band and Daisy set out on tour, "Honeycomb" had just hit the Top 20.

BILLY: I wasn't focused on who was opening for us. I was focused on how to stay sober on the tour. It was my first time out on the road since rehab.

ARACELY: I was more focused on finishing the tour, so I could leave the band. I couldn't stand to have to see Karen every waking minute.

CAMILA: I was two months pregnant, and everyday Aracely would call me crying on the phone. That's another reason I joined them on the road, my best friend needed me.

KAREN: She took the breakup harder than I did. It's not that I wasn't upset—we just wanted different things. She wanted something serious, I wanted...i'm not sure what I wanted actually.

EDDIE: Broke my heart seeing Aracely bummed out. I never asked why she was upset, I was simply the shoulder she'd cry on.

The band played their first show in Nashville at the Exit/In, this time allowing Daisy to open for them. The crowds went wild. They were all on this high—people wanted to hear them, to see them.

BILLY: I could feel my microphone vibrating as they screamed and stomped their feet and I thought, Holy shit, we're rockstars.

By the end of 1976, "Honeycomb" had peaked at number 3 on the Billboard Hot 100. The band, along with Daisy, had performed the song on Don Kirshner's Rock Concert and The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. They had finished up their North American tour dates and were gearing up for the short European leg of the tour. Camila Dunne, now six months pregnant, returned with Julia to Los Angeles.

ARACELY: Everything was happening so fast. All I could think of was my daughter—and how much I missed her. I wasn't like Billy. I couldn't constantly bringing my daughter on the road with me. It sucked not being about to see her.

EDDIE: Aracely and I began growing closer and forming a deeper bond. We constantly talked when we were on the road, and I thought to myself 'how could someone not love this girl?' That's when I realized I was falling for my best friend.

KAREN: I watched as Eddie fell for Aracely—hell, anyone in the room could see it. He was head over heels for her. I mean who wouldn't be? She was magnificent.

ARACELY: I decided not to join the band on the European tour—I couldn't put myself through it. I needed a break, and to be with my daughter. She was turning three, I couldn't miss this birthday. I had already missed so much.

BILLY: I was pissed, that's the only way to describe my feelings. Why would she want to leave when we were doing so well?

EDDIE: Aracely told me to go with her, to meet her daughter and family. Of course I went, it's not like the band really needed me. I bet Billy was happy to replace me for a few shows.