LII ; I Knew I Loved You

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- If you accepted my feelings for you so quickly, it means you felt the same way, but... Since when?

Curious to know the answer to his question, Hyunjin stares into the little one's eyes in front of him, who takes another bite of the meal he lovingly prepared for him.

The brunette takes time to swallow his mouthful and then looks down at his half-empty plate, an extremely sweet smile drawn on his face. A nostalgic gleam forms in his eyes as he places his cutlery on either side of his plate.

- To be honest, I've never been very demonstrative either. I've always been extremely subtle, but... As soon as I laid eyes on you the day we met, I felt something indescribable. As if I knew that one day or another, fate would bind us, force us to come together.

Hyunjin nods slowly as he rolls up some of his noodles on his fork to take another bite, too. The smile on his lips is also nostalgic, as is the look of the little one.

He remembers like it was yesterday.

That day, the rain was violently hitting the windows of the classroom in which Hyunjin was. Sitting on his chair behind his desk, his pupils and his mind seeking to escape from the room in which a monotonous and boring speech was repeated, he wished to undergo a change in his life flat and devoid of novelties. He absolutely wanted something to happen, no matter what.

His life was so boring and his routine so repetitive that even if the change turned out to be him fighting with one of the other students and ending up in the hospital, he would have accepted it and not cared nor wouldn't even complain.

He hoped his wish would be granted. Let his prayers be heard.

Suddenly, the fuzzy and almost distant words of the professor had evaporated for a short moment to give way to a melodious voice. A voice you want to hear every second of your life. A voice so pleasant that it would be enough to fall in love with its owner.

Minho, a new student, had just entered the same class where the swarthy was.

His black pupils had landed on every student in the class as the professor spoke again to introduce him formally, but they stopped on one person in particular.

This black-haired boy who seemed lost in thought but was exchanging a look with him at the same time.

Minho's heart started pounding so suddenly. A strange feeling had taken hold of him and he couldn't take his eyes off him, just like Hyunjin for that matter.

As if their souls were linked.

As if time had stopped.

As if at this precise moment, there were only the two of them present in the sparsely decorated room.

Following the words of the adult, Minho went to the place that had been reserved for him, right next to the swarthy.

Was it a miracle? Destiny?

The two boys had exchanged several glances until the brunette had the courage to speak to the older one first, asking his name and then giving him his.

- Your favorite series?

- Strangers from hell! Your favorite dish?

- Black truffle fettuccine! Your favorite sport?

- I would say... Badminton!

- Wow! No way!

The two boys giggle after their exchange.

- It's still so crazy that we have the same answers every time...

- We had so much in common...

They gradually calm their laughter to smile at each other in a nostalgic and light way. Hyunjin takes the smaller's hand in his as he takes another bite, amused.

- For my part, I wanted to experience a change. I was getting tired of this tasteless, lifeless routine. You came at exactly the right time, like an angel sent to me by the gods or a real miracle.

- I was your miracle and you stole my heart.

- Maybe you also stole mine that day without me even realizing it...

- We were young and stupid, don't forget that.

Hyunjin nods at the smaller one's words. He is right.

- Whatever, let's just enjoy our time together while everyone else's is on break.

He brings the hand of the smallest to his lips to place a kiss there, then the two finish eating in a more than pleasant atmosphere.

There are a few days left before the end of the limit that Minho gave himself to think of a solution, but they're finally taking full advantage of it, knowing that their moment cannot last forever and that they will soon have to return to the cruel reality that is our world. A world full of prejudice, insults, cold wars, racism and discrimination.


We're getting closer to the end... 👀

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now