LIII ; Deadly Silence

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- I still can't believe you really thought I was going to jump off the bridge...

Hyunjin giggles, followed closely by Minho, who also starts laughing despite remembering that feeling of panic he felt that day.

- You really scared me Hyun'... Thank god, you knew what you were doing!

- Mh. You were too cute wanting to protect me like that...

The two boys continue to laugh but in a lighter way as they recall the event that took place four days ago.

Hyunjin and Minho continued the visit of New York and that day, they were both on the Brooklyn Bridge. Minho took the opportunity to take pictures of the tallest to be able to remember later. The swarthy posed for the photographer when an idea came to his mind.

In order to take better shots, Hyunjin had climbed onto the parapet and sat down on it so that they could have a better view of the illuminated city behind.

Obviously, he knew what he was doing. But Minho wasn't expecting that kind of move coming from him, and the risk of falling was always possible given the rain which had made the place somewhat slippery.

So he panicked and moved closer to grab his arm with one hand, pulling him towards him to keep him safe, close to him.

The evening had, despite this, gone extremely well. During these four other days, they had taken advantage of the stopping of time to show each other all their love for one another whilst visiting the wonders that New York had in store for them.

On the third day, they had visited the Brooklyn Bridge. On the fourth, they went to see a place that Hyunjin absolutely wanted to visit; the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum of Modern Art. On the fifth day of the week Minho allowed himself, they had stayed under the covers of their hotel room bed, enjoying each other's comforting warmth. They had spent the day giving each other tender caresses and saying sweet nothings while hugging each other.

And today? They were planning to do two activities, one of which was already to be checked off; The Rockefeller Center.

- Hey princess, are you lost in your thoughts again?

The swarthy smiles tenderly at the smaller one. He had slowed down the pace of his walk thinking about all the extraordinary activities they had been able to do.

He scratches the back of his neck in a slightly awkward way, smiling again while looking at his interlocutor.

The two boys are currently located in a large abandoned building a few hours from the big city, in a slightly more remote corner but still in New York.

Hyunjin wanted to convey to Minho his passion for urbex without imposing on him the feeling of adrenaline and stress that is caused when you know that the police could show up any minute or that you could run into a person with bad intentions.

Either way, he would have refused to bring him along to this place if time hadn't stood still. It would be far too dangerous.

- Oh, yeah, sorry. Say, have you been here before?

- At least twice.

Hyunjin reaches out his hand for the smaller one to catch as he stands on top of the ladder Minho is climbing.

He helps him pulling himself up and thus join him on the second floor.

- Aren't you afraid that the roof of the place will collapse on you...?

Hyunjin lets out a light laugh before taking back the bag that Minho was dragging but that he had taken to prevent him from being unbalanced during his ascent.

- The foundations are still quite solid and the walls are still standing, so I would say that we are safe.

The brunette nods his head, letting himself be guided by the taller one.

The room in which they are now is more than magnificent.

A long corridor with windows on each side, which would allow the sun's rays to illuminate the entire place if it were present.

This is the room they are in.

It has no furniture or graffiti, being between a state of preservation and a state of complete abandonment, the vegetation having regained control and scattering its roots everywhere. They run along the walls and come out of the floor in certain places.

- It's kinda strange that the place has no graffiti... Normally, some people like to express their creativity on the walls of places like this, but here...

Hyunjin is amazed to see that even today there are no drawings decorating the long white glass walls.

- It's better this way... It lets us enjoy the beauty of the place at its natural.

Minho smiles tenderly at the taller one, who immediately smiles back. He brings his hand to the little one's hair to ruffle it affectionately.

- You know what I like the most about you, little kitty?

- Tell me?

- The fact that you know how to appreciate the little things at their fair value. The fact you can immerse yourself in the moment and enjoy the beauty of what is before you.

He stops in their walk, stopping at the same time the brunette to bring his two hands to his cheeks and bring his face slightly closer to his.

- No matter what we offer you, you are always so grateful... There should be more people like you on Earth.

Minho's heart melts because of his words.

He is so touched that he is able to notice his ability to appreciate even the smallest things in life.

His eyes lock with those of the youngest as he comes to put his hands on those of his correspondent, his other half.

- You bring out the best in me, Hyunjin.

The taller one becomes silent for a moment, his eyes moving from his to his lips. The love he feels for him multiplies and grows even more. The desire to share lots of tender words seizes him, but sometimes gestures speak louder than words, and that's why he comes to press his lips against those of the little one, inviting him in a kiss emotionally strong but which remains tender and light.

Minho responds to it without hesitation, showing him in return the deep love he would like to share with him until the end of his days.

And the kiss lasts like this for a moment that seems eternal, until a distant noise is heard.

The two boys slowly separate.

They then both turn their heads towards the end of the corridor a little further in front of them. Minho whispers.

- Did you hear that...?

- Yes...

The room then dives back into silence.

A deadly silence.

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now