Chapter 5: Finding Data

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T'Kellis: "Romona...I'm Picking Up A Lifesign On Deck 13"
Romona: "Who?"
T'Kellis: "Let's Find Out Who It Is"
T'Kellis And Romona Run Out Of Engineering And Run To The Turbolift
T'Kellis: "Deck 13"
The Turbolift Descends
T'Kellis And Romona Find Someone On Deck 13 Hiding Behind A Few Containers The Person Peeks His Head Out And The Two Crewmembers Gasp At Who They See In Front Of Them

T'Kellis: "Data!"Data: "What Are You Two Doing Here?"T'Kellis: "We Got Your Distress Call"Data: "Thank You For Coming"T'Kellis: "Romona Stay Here With Data I'm Going To Go Check On Stanley And Zorax"Romona: "Okay"T'Kellis Taps His Combadge While W...

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T'Kellis: "Data!"
Data: "What Are You Two Doing Here?"
T'Kellis: "We Got Your Distress Call"
Data: "Thank You For Coming"
T'Kellis: "Romona Stay Here With Data I'm Going To Go Check On Stanley And Zorax"
Romona: "Okay"
T'Kellis Taps His Combadge While Walking To The Turbolift
T'Kellis: "T'Kellis To Sovereign"
Trelawney: "Sovereign Here"
T'Kellis: "We Found Someone On The Enterprise Sir"
Trelawney: "I Thought You Said There Were No Lifesigns"
T'Kellis: "Yes Sir I Did But We Found Commander Data"
Trelawney: "Alright Get Back Over Here When Your Done Trelawney Out"
The Turbolift Doors Hiss Open And T'Kellis Steps Onto The Bridge Only To Find Both Stanley And Zorax Dead
T'Kellis: "Stanley,Zorax!"
T'Kellis Taps His Combadge Again
T'Kellis: "T'Kellis To Sovereign Stanley And Zorax Are Dead!"
Captain Trelawney Nearly Spat Out His Tea When He Heard That
Trelawney: "What?!"
T'Kellis: "I Just Found Them Dead Sir"
Trelawney: "Standby For Transport"
T'Kellis: "Aye Sir!"
Trelawney Taps His Combadge
Trelawney: "Trelawney To Transporter Room"
Hunter: "Hunter Here Sir"
Trelawney: "Beam The Away Team Back Two Need To Be Transported Directly To Sickbay"
Hunter: "Aye Sir Transport In Progress...I Got Them Sir Including Commander Data"
Trelawney: "Good T'Kellis,Romona And Data Report To My Ready Room"
Data: "Aye Sir"
Trelawney: "It's A Pleasure To Finally Meet You In Person Commander"
Data: "The Pleasure Is Mine I Did Have Many Friends At Starfleet Academy Who Were Caitains"

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