Holding chapter 8

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Angel stretched making his way inside and looking around his clean kitchen, which for some reason bothered him I guess it was better dirty. Aki followed along and looked at his phone and swore " Damnit.." he did a deep sigh and looked at Angel " It's been good Angel I gotta head home, Denji has been injured." he said in a serious tone. " Will you be back tomorrow?" Angel asked fidgeting with his hair, Aki nodded and got close but hesitated. " Goodbye Angel, I love you" he said softly, Angel looked up at him with desperate eyes " Bye Aki, I love you too" he said watching Aki walk out of the house. Angel sighed as he for some reason felt a sense of dread grow and become one with him as he saw Aki pull out of the driveway.

Aki got to his house and searched around for Denji " Denji! Come out! Now!" he demanded, Denji came in with a broken pinky and tears in his eyes "mwbaPinkyyithurtzzz" he jumbled up words through tears of agony. Aki had the urge to smack the shit out of him but kept calm, he let out a deep sigh of annoyance and looked at the swollen finger on Denjis hand. " How the hell did this happen? just drink blood and you'll be fine you idiot" he said in a straight tone as if he were brushing it off, Denji opened his mouth while trying to speak " I gah mah outh clean hi the denneh" he said with drool gushing out onto his chin onto the floor. Aki gagged and clenched his fist " WHAT DID YOU EVEN SAY?! AND STOP THAT YOU'RE DROOLING ON THE FLOOR YOU ANIMAL" Aki fussed and smacked the back of Denjis head. Power smacked the back of Akis head frowning " he went to a mouth doctor you cold blooded smoker!" Power said in her ridget voice, Aki pinched the middle of his face in pure disappointment.

After the whole situation Aki went on his balcony to smoke a cigarette and started to text Angel

Angel: did you get home safe?

Aki:  Yeah, Denji is ok as well his finger was just swollen and Ms Makima took him to get his teeth clean.

Angel: k. btw when can you come over tmr? 

Aki: whenever I can.

Angel: oh ok ily.

Aki: I adore you as well my dear.

Angel face flushed and he felt something in his chest spreading through his face when he was talking to him like this butterflies grew in his stomach as if they were eating him from the inside out. He closed out of messages and he started to watch random murder documentaries, he then opened his notes and started writing down how he felt about Aki trying to put it in words and how it felt when he touched him restrainedly with his gloves. Angel sighed hugging a pillow imagining it as Aki if he could actually touch him, he shut off his phone hugging the pillow and wrapping his legs around the bottom.

 " mmmm " he mumbled and drifted to sleep holding the pillow like it was going to war, Aki stood up after smoking half a pack and sat at the edge of his bed, he laid down and pulled the covers to his chest so it felt as if he were holding someone, pathetic...he thought as he drifted off.

Aki x Angel ~ Chainsaw manWhere stories live. Discover now