Chapter 14

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"I'm leaving" I yelled

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"I'm leaving" I yelled. Jess came running towards to front door. "Bye" she cried. I frowned, I had to leave for a business trip for a week & she would be going back to stay with her mom till I get back. "mama, stop crying" I rubbed her. "w-w-when d-do y-you co-me back" she stutters.

"Friday" I explained. I hated leaving her. "o-o-kay, I'm going to get my bags" she said with her head down. She was 9 months pregnant so I expected all this crying n shit. "almost done?" I yelled upstairs.

She started throwing bags downstairs, putting on her slides & walking towards the door with her head down. I sighed, putting my hand over my head. Grabbing her bags, locking the front door & going towards the car.

I watched as sincere put my bags in the car, maybe I'm being dramatic but I'm gonna miss my man

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I watched as sincere put my bags in the car, maybe I'm being dramatic but I'm gonna miss my man. I scrolled on TikTok waiting for us to pull up at my mom's house.

"Mama, we're hear" Sin said, I looked up and seen my moms house. We both got out & he grabbed my bags, walking towards to front door. Knocking on the door, I hear shuffling & then see my mom opening the door. "Hey mom" I said with my head down, slightly pushing her out the way & upstairs to my old room.

"What's wrong with her" I heard my mom say, "she's upset cause I'm leaving for a week" Sincere said. "aww, she's really pregnant" my mom laughed. "I don't find shit funny about me crying" I yelled & slammed my door.

 "I don't find shit funny about me crying" I yelled & slammed my door

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"I'll only be gone for a week" Jayden said. I was still upset, I am now 6 months n me & jayden have gotten really close. "but, you don't have to go" I said grabbing his bags. "I do ma, I do. Soo gimme a kiss" He said. I pecked his lips & went downstairs.

"Bye sexy" he said. "Bye" I mumbled as the door shut. I'm not gonna lie & say I don't miss Sa'Marii but I kinda feel like I'm falling in love with Jayden more & mor everyday. I haven't seen Sa'Marii but last I heard was he has a new girlfriend.

& I'm happy for him. Snapping outta my thoughts, I grabbed the tv remote & started watching The Prince family on YouTube. They were so problematic it's kinda funny & weird at the same damn time.

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